Another ‘dream job’ in Taiwan


Fresh on the heels of one of the best publicity campaigns in recent years for Australia, Taiwan has launched its own version of the ‘best job in the world’ in a bid to promote the country to tourists…

Do you remember TheMoveChannel’s story about the Best Job in the World, offering applicants the opportunity to spend six months as caretaker of a tropical island in the heart of Australia’s stunning Whitsundays?

Well, here’s an update. The job, which paid a salary of more than £68,000, unsurprisingly attracted more than 35,000 applications from people desperate to nab the chance of a lifetime.

The candidates have now been narrowed down to a shortlist and Tourism Queensland will announce the winner on May 6th, with the six-month posting beginning on July 1st.

If you missed out on this Aussie job, don’t despair – Taiwan now has plans to launch its own dream job in a bid to promote tourism to the country, having seen the publicity generated for Australian tourism with the campaign.

The Taiwanese Tourism Bureau plans to select 50 teams of two backpackers to visit Taiwan for four days and will pay each person £135 a day.

Liu Hsi-lin of the Tourism Bureau’s international affairs department, said, “These 50 pairs should travel around Taiwan and create blogs to describe Taiwan’s scenic sites.

“From the 50 pairs, we will select one pair and pay them £20,000 to travel around Taiwan for one month and post their findings on their blog every day, so that people around the world can see the articles and photos,” he said.

Their blogs will have to be written in English. The Tourism Bureau plans to nominate 25 pairs and let online voters select the other 25.

People from all countries, regardless of gender and age, can apply, except mainland Chinese candidates, as under Taiwanese law, mainland Chinese can only visit Taiwan as part of a tour group.

The Tourism Bureau plans to set up a website for applications on June 1st this year.

In a funny coincidence, the current favourite to win the Australian ‘dream job’ is a Taiwanese interpreter called Clare Wang.

Wang has won the most votes from visitors around the world. In her application videotape, Wang describes herself as ‘good at breaking the communication barrier, curious and adventurous.’

She says she likes swimming, diving, mountain climbing and bungee jumping. That she has never been to the Great Barrier Reef is ‘one more reason you should vote for me!’

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By FelixWriter