Drug and Alcohol Interventionist Steven Lodge Offers Revolutionary New Service For Families and Friends Of Those Suffering From Addiction


Assisted Interventions

Steven Lodge, founder of Steven Lodge Interventions, has introduced a revolutionary new service now available to help families organize an intervention. “While it is best to have a professional interventionist facilitate the intervention, I recognize that not every family has the financial resources to accomplish this very necessary and important process. For that reason, I created a new service that will help those families through a method I call Assisted Interventions.”

The Assisted Intervention option offers families the opportunity to conduct the intervention themselves with step-by-step information ranging from treatment facility selection to closing the intervention session and all the details in between.

Books vs. Assisted Interventions

The unique part about Steven’s Assisted Interventions is that families will be able to consult with Steven when questions about the process arise. “There are some great books out there that outline the process of drug and alcohol interventions. However, every family is different and books can’t cover every issue that may develop. The Assisted Intervention approach provides condensed materials to help the family through every step of the process and, more importantly, I make myself available via phone to personally answer questions and coach the intervention team accordingly.”

Steven has unique experience that compliments his intervention background. Prior to becoming a professional interventionist, he practiced civil litigation in the state of California, received his drug and alcohol counseling certificate from UCLA, and developed an online drug and alcohol treatment facility directory, www.calrehabguide.com, that lists treatment facilities and related services throughout California.

Those interested in learning more about drug and alcohol interventions and, in particular, Assisted Interventions, can visit www.stevenlodgeinterventions.com or email him at [email protected].

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By stevenlodgeinterventions