Duct Cleaning Buffalo NY Expert Covers all Bases to Ensure Energy Efficiency and Air Quality


HVAC system maintenance, air duct cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, bathroom exhaust duct cleaning are all very important home maintenance tasks

All ventilation ducts require maintenance; however, this is an area that is often neglected by residents and business owners. The reason is not laziness or avoidance. This area is out of sight; therefore, out of mind. “What you can’t see won’t hurt you…right?”

“Wrong!” says Robert Garman, duct cleaning specialist in Buffalo, NY. “Dirty heat ducts circulate dirty air throughout the home, reducing HVAC system efficiency and indoor air quality.”

Duct cleaning is important for several reasons, including improved air quality, energy efficiency, and general over-all cleanliness. “All ventilation systems require maintenance to promote efficiency and save energy,” said Garman.

Most people have their furnace cleaned and inspected for safety and performance. Duct cleaning is also very important at this time to prevent dust and debris from circulating through the newly cleaned furnace.

Clothes dryers are among the most expensive home appliance to operate and the most likely appliance to cause a fire. Actually, the clothes dryer itself is not dangerous. The hazard is lint build-up lurking in the dryer vents, restricting air flow as it waits to be ignited by a spark from inside the clothes dryer. Meanwhile, the dryer overworks, resulting in significantly higher energy bills.

Bathroom exhaust ducts are another area that is often taken for granted as residents flip a switch to remove humidity. When bathroom exhaust ducts are blocked by debris, the removal of humid air is inhibited, causing the system to work harder and longer to clear the air.

DUCTZ professionals are certified, qualified and trained in duct cleaning services for homes and businesses, and they offer a wide array of indoor air quality products and services. DUCTZ keeps pace with the industry by providing technicians with continuing education in the industry so they are armed with the latest equipment and technologies available. Visit http://www.ductcleaningbuffalo.com/ to learn more.

Robert Garman
Ductz of Buffalo
2728 Niagara Falls Blvd; Ste 3
Wheatfield, NY 14304
Local: 716-775-3828
Email: [email protected]

This press release was submitted by Right Now Marketing Group, LLC

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By robertgarpr