New E-book – The ABC of Bookkeeping – by Phil Ramage of PAR Enterprises, Helps Students and Small Business People With The Basics of Double-Entry Bookkeeping


Bangkok, Thailand – 2nd January 2011 – Phil Ramage C.A. (Scot) C.A. (Aust), a semi-retired qualified accountant with over 40 years experience, announces the release of his unique electronic book (e-book) – The ABC of Bookkeeping. The new e-book is designed to help students and small business people improve their understanding of the basic concepts of the 500 year old Italian art of double-entry bookkeeping.

“This e-book is for anybody who is looking to improve their skills in the fields of bookkeeping and simple accounting,” said Mr Ramage. “It sets out the basics of double-entry in a never before seen fashion, using diagrams. It also, metaphorically eases the understanding of ledger accounts by comparing them to stories and pictures. This might sound confusing, but it really does simplify the process of understanding what is an art, rather than a science.”

Highlights from The ABC of Bookkeeping include:
– How to select which accounts in the ledger require to be adjusted, to ensure the ledger accurately represents the enterprise.
– By simply examining a unique and never seen before diagram, how to know when an entry should be a debit or a credit and so ensure that everything is right
– Several other proven steps to ensure the ledger is accurate, and therefore the resulting Sets of Accounts that are extracted from it, paint an accurate picture of the business
– How to decide whether an accrual or a prepayment needs to be reversed in the following month or year, thus avoiding a possible duplication of a charge against the profits
– Many proven strategies for getting it right every time
– Discover in a matter of minutes whether an account tells a story or paints a picture. This is a brand new concept, or metaphor, which has never been used before in any of the boring old text books that have been published in the past.
– Finally another new concept to make things clear. Is an account a “Goodie” or a “Baddie”. What the devil does that mean?…The book makes sense of it all!
The e-book is available for sale at for $27.00.

The e-book is written by Phil Ramage C.A. (Scot) C.A. (Aust). Phil was born in Scotland, where he qualified in the mid-seventies. Since then he has worked in England, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Thailand, and Indonesia. He has worked both within professional accounting offices, in commerce, and as a self-employed consultant. He has extensive experience and expertise in all aspects of accounting, and bookkeeping, using both manual and computerized systems. For most of his career, however, he has specialized in the use of computerized accounting packages and the development of spread-sheet solutions to every day recurring problems. A physical incapacity has forced him to be almost house-bound, tended by his Thai wife of 28 years. But his mind is still active, and he has taken to writing and web-site design with gusto

About the author

Philip Ramage

Phil was born in Scotland, where he qualified in the mid-seventies. Since then he has worked in England, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Thailand, and Indonesia. He has worked both within professional accounting offices, in commerce, and as a self-employed consultant. He has extensive experience and expertise in all aspects of accounting, and bookkeeping, using both manual and computerized systems. For most of his career, however, he has specialized in the use of computerized accounting packages and the development of spread-sheet solutions to every day recurring problems. A physical incapacity has forced him to be almost house-bound, tended by his Thai wife of 28 years. But his mind is still active, and he has taken to writing and web-site design with gusto.

By Philip Ramage