e-commerce website maintenance is the ask of the hour


Research shows enterprises today believe in getting their current systems updated rather than investing mammoth sums in making new ones. After the global downturn of 2007-09, companies, big or small, have all come to follow the money-saving rule – “upgrade, don’t re-grade”.

Before launching our new ecommerce website maintenance services at eTatvasoft, a web development company based in India, we asked all our valued clients for what they would choose – invest in upgrading their ecommerce websites or pay to get new ones developed in latest cutting-edge technological trends. While some of them did choose the latter, majority favored investing in upgrading their current systems to compete with the more technically advanced rivals. This sparked our think tank and thus they came up with one more than useful idea of customizing existing obsolete systems at our client workplaces.

Over the years of continuous usage, any system could develop errors in any sizes. Thus the codes are to be debugged and newer functionality to be added to enhance productivity in current market. Seeing the trends, we believe each ecommerce website undergoes a renovation at least once every year to stay ahead in this stiffly competitive market. Attracting new customers, while retaining the old ones, is quite a tough job in these constantly evolving trends in online commerce.

eTatvasoft provides maintenance services for ecommerce websites wherein the systems will be completely analyzes and tested to find the errors out. Our programming team is capable of restructuring the old systems albeit retaining the functionality. The client gets a completely new website having a state-of-the-art look and feel with seamless navigation and exclusive user experience.

We pride ourselves at the expertise that we have gathered over the years in ecommerce web development techniques. We believe our new services will give our clients a boost to ahead of the competition at unparalleled production costs.

About the author


eTatvasoft is a PHP web development company based in India. The company is a preferred destination for many global companies for their PHP web development solutions including PHP website development, ecommerce web development, and CMS and CRM development.

By etatva