Eco Friendly House Improvement Tips


It is wise for several reasons to make home improvements eco-friendly. Over time you will save some money on energy and living expenses but you will be aiding the environment as well. When you start thinking of the many ways you can make your home more energy efficient and green, you can make lots of changes that really make a difference. By taking some of these eco-friendly ideas you can get started.

The first place that people want to change when remodeling their homes is the kitchen. This is also a room that gives you many opportunities to make green choices, from the countertops you use, to your refrigerator and appliances. When deciding on which material to use for your countertops you should consider something that’s both natural and local, like porcelain tiles or stone, so that you can make a choice that’s green. Checking whether your kitchen appliances are energy efficient or not is also something that you should do to make sure they’re up to scratch. Take a look for the Energy Star logo to see whether or not it’s efficient. Most new ones will have it.

The relative impact of green home improvement projects on your situation can be dramatic and cause issues of all kinds. No one really can adequately address all the different situations that could arise with this particular topic. But I wanted to stop for a moment so you can reflect on the importance of what you have just read. This is the type of content that men and women need to know about, and we have no problems saying that. The last remaining areas for conversation may be even more important.

Although windows could be used for decoration and to give light in your house, they are also great for keeping the heat inside and for insulation. As a matter of fact, your heating bills are greatly affected by the type of windows you have. It is possible to make your home much more energy efficient by obtaining double or triple paned windows. You could lower your heat loss by up to half if you coat your windows with Low-E (low emissivity) coating. Although it is expensive in the beginning to replace your existing windows with ones that are more energy efficient, this will save you money over time. The winters will also be more snug for you.

Your energy costs will be determined by the way you heat your home, and there are some ways that are more efficient than others. A fireplace, whilst looking very nice, is probably the most inefficient way of heating up your home. It would be a good idea to look into something called a fireplace insert as they can be more efficient. A pellet stove is another good way of warming up as they burn corn pellets and wood. You can save money with this alternative because the price of oil just keeps on going up. Your home’s insulation is the big decider when it boils down to how energy efficient your home is.

Green makeovers for your residence can lower your energy bills and can also be fun. A homes worth can be added to if you ever want to sell your house. There are so many strategies to make your home more eco-friendly that we’ve only had space to mention a few, but that shouldn’t stop you from doing further research and deciding which ideas are right for you.

The author is an internet marketing and advertising expert – who writes on numerous home maintenance related subjects similar to Orlando roof contractors and Orlando roofing companies.

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By OrlandoTipper