Other Edition Presents Plot Magazine Issue No. 8 – Kids in Space


Plot is a specialist design magazine that devotes its attention to production design, exhibition and set design with specialist product design and interior architecture thrown in. In other words, it devotes its knowledgeable attention to all of those designed things and spaces that fill our contemporary life, sometimes barely registering on a conscious level; interesting shop interiors or the mise-en-scène of films and television programmes. At other times, many such experiences –or more notably those of opera, exhibitions or show-off consumer display- are almost intrinsically spectacular and immediately noticeable. It’s not a singular approach to these design disciplines that defines whether something makes it into Plot or not, but its quality.

In the tradition of a specialist journal, though here with a distinctly magazine feel, Plot – published in English and German- has come to be known as one of the most interesting publications dealing with these particular disciplines that have, perhaps, been somewhat overshadowed by other forms of design and architecture. What’s particularly interesting about Plot is that its approach, though dealing with a fairly specialist area of design, is actually immediately interesting and accessible to a broad design-interested audience.

A four-year old child asks about 400 questions every day. The good news: It will become less! The bad news: All these questions need to be answered! Well, it is always worthwhile to consider the children’s questions as an invitation to think about these issues, because the process of teaching and learning involves a dialogue – be it at home at the kitchen table, on the sports field or in a museum.
What role do designers play in these rooms of experience? How can scenography contribute to get adolescents interested in subjects that were so far unfamiliar and mysterious to them? How are complex issues prepared and staged in a way suitable for children? These are questions which we want to answer in PLOT#8 – Kids in Space with outstanding projects. We show you an exhibition focussing on a separate narrative strand within the museum concept, a Junior Campus illustrating the topic of sustainability, an opera approaching the comprehensive narrative of Wagner’s “Ring of the Nibelungs” in a playful way, and a Science Centre, which is custom- tailored for the needs of adolescents. Additionally, we present you the first children’s museum in the world.

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About the author

By steven