Effects of Drug Addiction and means for treating drug abuse!


April 23, 2009 – Drug abuse is mainly caused because of many facts. Some key drug facts are addictions, such as lack of confidence, irresponsible parents and disturbed childhood. But its effects are large; it totally deceives ones mental thinking ability. When an individual becomes a regular user of drug, his addiction to the drugs develops a great dependency for the drug to sustain life.

Statistics reveals that, drug abuse not only affect one mentally but also physically like weight loss and obesity. Other physical effects of drug abuse include irritability, excessive sleep, unusual changes in daily routine, drowsiness etc. A drug addict will be often isolated and feel uncomfortable in mingling with others.

The drug abuse statistics are often unbelievable. A survey conducted on US reveals the prominence of drug abuse in their country. The most commonly used drug among American youth is alcohol and the age group that is worst affected by drug addiction is 18-29. Drug abuse is commonly found among construction workers and daily wagers. Withdrawal from drug addiction also causes some side effects injurious to health.

Some of the interesting facts about the drugs are that, they are invented for human happiness. Penicillin was the first antibiotic drug, discovered by Alexander Fleming .Antibiotic drugs are used to treat bacterial infections. Analgesic drugs are used as pain killers such as aspirin to relieve pain, Depressants are drugs such as alcohol slows down the nervous system.

The commonly occurring drug abuses are Alcohol abuse, cocaine abuse and meth abuse. In today’s world, alcohol is not considered as a drug because it is commonly used all over the world. Intake of alcohol is by one of the three means beer, wine liquor. The effects of alcohol can range from intoxication, coma and death. Combining alcohol with other drugs can intensify the effects of these other drugs. Withdrawal from alcohol abuse often leads to sleeplessness, distress and fear among individuals.

Cocaine, another form of drug abuse is a unique chemical in that it is both a central nervous system stimulant and an anesthetic. Cocaine is normally used by all classes of people as beverages mostly concentrate on this drug. It causes stimulation, that is, it increases alertness, concentration and restlessness. It also increases appetite, and symptoms of heart attacks, strokes and eventually death. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms include intense hunger, irritability and excessive sleep.

Meth is also a stimulant which affects the central nervous system. Its intake can be by either smoking or using a syringe. The effects are extreme nervousness, dizziness and other effects.

Withdrawal causes increased appetite and sleep disturbances.

Drug abuse treatment is very important and essential. The treatment should be dealt with more care and with right intellect .It begins with self-acceptance of the drug abuse and to lead a peaceful life. Then he should be medicated and hospitalized for immunity. More than medication psychological affection is more important. These are provided by regular counseling, where they educate the ill effects of drug abuse and means to overcome it mentally.

More information about drug abuse and means of treatment is available in the site www.drugabusehelp.com

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By jamesbellas