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Efusjon Energy Club is Growing Very Rapidly

Efusjon seems to be everywhere and even non-network marketing people are jumping aboard.

Parker, CO July 15, 2009 — The word Efusjon is popping up everywhere, literally. Randy and Courtney Neale are constantly running into people that have heard about the Efusjon opportunity.

“My sister-in-law, Danielle, told us about Efusjon over three months ago. She has never mentioned direct sales or network marketing, ever! Courtney and I are full-time network marketing and direct sales professionals and didn’t really give her comments a second thought. We typically run from programs that have nutritional products, because frankly, with our experiences in the past, the attrition rates are way too high. A few months went by and then all of a sudden we were bombarded with phone calls and emails from people all over regarding the Efusjon Energy Club. We had to take notice!” Randy Neale says.

He continues to say, “After hearing so much about the Efusjon Energy Club and how they have a 3×15 matrix, a community matrix that doesn’t compress, and the fact they are rolling out a very nice gaming application on Facebook, we had to jump on board. It has been very exciting for us and we have gone the extra mile to put together our own system to help our Efusjon team members get their first three people and it rolls to their members as well.”

Efusjon is getting ready to launch their gaming application on Facebook this month and that alone will be reaching an audience of over 200 million people.

“I don’t like to throw out any kind of hype about work at home opportunities, but with Efusjon, it is really hard to contain my excitement. We joined Efusjon, less than two weeks ago and during those two weeks we were in California on vacation and seeing the sights. We didn’t do anything to promote Efusjon until we got back home. In just a very short period of time we already have a team and we just got our first paycheck from Efusjon, yesterday. It wasn’t huge, but it speaks volumes about the company and their compensation plan.” Randy states.

For more information on Efusjon and to see what Randy and Courtney Neale are offering their Efusjon team, please go to their site today.
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Randy Neale
Visible Wealth, Inc
Parker, CO

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