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Eggology Egg Whites Help “Buff Dad” Stay Fit and Keep Off “Chubby Hubby” Fat

A lean and natural source of protein, low-calorie Eggology egg whites are a convenient and all-natural way for busy parents to stay fit and healthy.

Canoga Park, CA, April 20, 2009 – Busy moms and dads know that it’s easy to neglect their own health and fitness while juggling the many responsibilities of parenthood. Eggology – the leader in the all-natural egg white industry – makes it easy for parents like “Buff Dad” Mike Levinson, R.D., to maintain a healthy and tasty diet with convenient, all-natural liquid egg whites.

Recently featured in a news clip on CBS night time news, Levinson was shown cooking his egg white omelet made with Eggology egg whites.

“As a dad and athlete myself, I can fully identify with Mike’s need to manage his weight, his job and his family. It’s a very precise balancing act that takes time to calibrate perfectly,” said Brad Halpern, founder of Eggology. “And Mike’s book is an incredible guide to helping dads jump start, or re-start, their exercise and diet routine which includes consumption of egg whites – because Eggology egg whites are a lean and natural source of protein with little calories, no fat and no cholesterol.”

Halpern saw the value of egg whites 15 years ago when he was a competitive athlete. Creating a product that was natural, convenient and easy – unlike other egg white products available at the time which contained additives such as chemicals, gums and coloring – Eggology – now the leader in the all-natural egg white industry – gained popularity among bodybuilders and athletes and has grown into other markets such as the hotel industry, restaurants, pastry chefs and households with busy parents.

“Having Eggology promoted by Mike Levinson makes me feel very proud,” said Halpern. “Since Levinson – as an athlete, a nutritionist and a busy parent – represents many of the people that Eggology egg whites are made for.” Find fresh, healthy, easy egg white recipess for your family at

About Eggology: Eggology was launched as a consumer retail company in 1995 after enjoying widespread success among bodybuilders and other savvy health aficionados with its flagship 100% all-natural, certified Organic Liquid Egg Whites. Eggology is the only company that utilizes only fresh pasteurized egg whites (from eggs just three days off the farm), which are 100% pure, organic, USDA approved and kosher. The company also uses an independent lab to test for salmonella and listeria, meaning food-lovers can enjoy the company’s products cold, hot, cooked, or raw. More info at
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Anne Orfila
Canoga Park, CA

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