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Eggology Egg Whites are a Smart Protein Source for Kidney Patients on Dialysis

Substituting Eggology liquid egg whites for meat potentially lowers phosphorus levels in patients undergoing hemodialysis for their kidneys.

Canoga Park, CA, August 01, 2009 — For people who are living with kidney disease and are receiving hemodialyis – the treatment that replaces kidney function – there is a study showing that consuming eight ounces of liquid egg whites a day can result in lowering phosphorus levels. Eggology – the leader in the all-natural egg white industry – supplies liquid egg whites to several kidney dialysis clinics for this reason.

When a patient is on kidney dialysis, it is important to keep their protein, or albumin levels up, while controlling their phosphorus levels. Many patients must be a on a low phosphorus diet and take phosphorus binders which prevent the body from absorbing too much phosphorus from foods that are eaten. A DaVita renal dietician in Maryland noted that one of her patients, who consumed eight ounces of pasteurized liquid egg whites per day, had an excellent albumin level and was on very little phosphorus binders. This inspired her to conduct a study on liquid egg whites in relation to phosphorus levels in kidney patients on dialysis.

In the six week study, patients substituted eight ounces of liquid egg whites for meat during one meal. Patients were given the option of consuming the egg whites raw – blended in smoothies – or cooking them. Brad Halpern, founder and CEO of Eggology, comments “Eggology egg whites are used by several dialysis clinics because our egg whites go beyond pasteurization and are lab tested, assuring no impurities whatsoever, thereby are safe to enjoy raw which gives kidney patients – and any other people who may have small appetites – the option to drink them in smoothies or shakes for a source of protein.”

The study found that 92 percent of dialysis patients decreased phosphorus levels and concluded that “pasteurized liquid egg whites can be an effective component of the renal diet for lowering phosphorus in the blood while maintaining a healthy albumin level”.

Halpern further comments, “Eggology was founded because we knew the nutritional significance that egg whites held for athletes. As egg whites became more popular with the general public, we have watched them become a great pure protein source for people with medical issues who may have a comprised immune system that cannot tolerate any impurities. Eggology is pleased to provide an egg white product that is guaranteed to be safe and that is beneficial to people’s well-being.”

About Eggology:
Eggology was launched as a consumer retail company in 1995 after enjoying widespread success among bodybuilders and other savvy health aficionados with its flagship 100% all-natural, certified Organic Liquid Egg Whites. Eggology is the only company that utilizes only fresh pasteurized egg whites (from eggs just three days off the farm), which are 100% pure, organic, USDA approved and kosher. The company also uses an independent lab to test for salmonella and listeria, meaning food-lovers can enjoy the company’s products cold, hot, cooked, or raw. More info at
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