Email design for mobiles


On checking our LexisClick Online Marketing email stats recently we’ve noticed that a fair proportion of those receiving our newsletter will be reading it on a mobile. According to stats from comScore around 20% could be reading it on a smartphone and if your target audience includes professionals from the business market, that number could be even higher.

Here are a few tips that we at LexisClick Online Marketing have come across recently.

Use a large font size. Mobile readability requires larger fonts than those used in email for desktop PCs. An iPhone’s iOS, will automatically adjust any font to its minimum 13-point standard. An even-larger font is recommended for body copy – say 14-point minimum, along with a 22-point minimum for headlines.

Keep it simple. A streamlined screen makes it easy for a mobile user to do what they want to do. So resist the urge to load the screen with complex navigation bars, social sharing buttons and calls to action. Also consider single-column layouts that de-clutter small screens.

Choose colours carefully. White text on a pale blue background might look great on a desktop screen, but in the low battery, low-contrast environment of a mobile, it might be almost impossible to read.

Consider ergonomics. Since most of us operate smartphones with a single hand, place important navigation items and social sharing buttons within easy reach of a user’s thumb.

Finally test, test and test, by observing how your email messages appear on a range of screens, you can make it easier for subscribers to engage with you.

If you’d like a customised email design for your company give us a call.  LexisClick is a digital marketing company based in Bournemouth, Dorset specialising in helping ambitious businesses achieve their objectives, through effective online marketing. We specialise in web design, SEO services and advertising.  For further information contact us on 01202 788333 or visit .

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By lexisclick1