Corporate Events and Conferences Worldwide are Building Pre-Events socially with

C has launched its event and entertainment listing service and is now working with those Corporate events, building their pre-event preparation

San Diego, CA – Corporate events, Conferences and Expositions are now building their events socially, pre-event, through In growing the Corporate groups’ pre-event knowledge and networking base, with those Corporate producers gathering their attendees beforehand.

Through the use of the event networking, within the site, each event built socially has the capabilities of being interactive with the attendees, pre-event. To complete this, all Conferences, Expo’s, Corporate Conventions and Meetings gather with the start of simply registering their event on the website. Beyond, they and the attendees have access to the most interactive functions available to enhance the preparation of the event experience. has assembled the best tools available digitally, in order to meet the needs of the event seekers and those readily opening their event to attendees. As the site components have been built to exceed the competitions typical event search engines, it still has the look and feel of a simple system, which a quick event or entertainment seeking person may search. At the same time, those intending to post their event within the calendar engine, their registration and posting consists of a simplified form of criteria. As the digital calendar engine reaches the ever-expanding markets, there will be a focus within unique events.

Stay tuned to for information on all of the happenings throughout the year.

Scour Events is the online destination of choice for users searching for local events. The online event and entertainment calendar provides a customer-focused event listing, with a greater depth and breadth of local listings, a superior web interface and highly relevant search results through the use of the unique technology.

ScourEvents aims to be the number one destination of the Internet local event search and activity business. The site provides an online national local event search service. With a variable of unique reference search options available, including better, and more up-to-date event information than other services, by aggregating event information from multiple local listings and services, in addition to relying on user-generated content and participation.

Steve Monas -CEO – with a degree in Business Administration with over 20 years of technology experience and author of several books. At 8 years old, Steve started his career and livelihood by winning a Blue Softwares national writing contest. As an author, he had published several timely special interest books and is currently completing an internet business reference book “ShoeString Venture: The Startup Bible – Turbocharge your Business through Outsourcing” (late 2008 release), with a former Stanford Professor as co-author.

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Pres / CEO: Release PR + Release Media Group

By TraciePR7