Exposes the Real Twitter behind the Hype


(Bellevue CA, 10/06/11) Have you ever wanted to find a way to reach millions of people with minimal cost to yourself? Do you want thousands of people beating a path to your online business’ door and buying the products you sell or paying for the services you provide? Have you been dreaming of reaching people who are interested in what you have to say? Most businesses share the same objective – get targeted costumers. Twitter has been hyped as the answer to all your marketing questions. There are so many claims made regarding this social network platform that it’s surprising that nobody has claimed that it cures flat feet. All the Twitter hype are ridiculous and outlandish. Many small business have lost quite a bit of time and money falling for the hype. While Twitter works for some businesses, it fails for many others especially those who use it the wrong way. Thankfully,, the internet’s leading authority site for consumer and technology issues, has released an authoritative guide on how to use Twitter for your maximum benefit. The guide is located at

“It is easy to be discouraged using Twitter for business purposes”, said Oliver Thompson, media relations officer for The truth of the matter is many people use Twitter the wrong way and part of this is due to misinformation. A lot of people believe that Twitter is a magic bullet for all their marketing needs, leading them to use it in a careless manner with no set plan. This will then lead them to burn out after just a few months. Indeed, according to some studies, the burn out rate in Twitter is really high compared to other messaging platforms. The burn out rate applies to both regular followers who are just looking for information to follow and feed owners, people who build Twitter feeds to promote businesses. “By understanding what Twitter can and cannot do for your business, you have won half of the battle,” said Oliver Thompson. There are many things people can do and the most powerful feature is the retweet. This feature allows even the most obscure person’s opinion or link to be blasted to millions of people. However, Twitter has a lot of disadvantages. So if somebody uses it for marketing purposes without a clear understanding of these disadvantages, he can quickly get discouraged and burn out. “We have listed the disadvantages but at the same time, we also suggest standards that allow for greater success”, said Thompson.’s Twitter marketing guide spells out the weaknesses of Twitter, the things you can do to get around these weaknesses and the values you should have. You also have to maintain an even pace so that you will not easily burn out.


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About the author

By oliverthompson