Eternal Vitality Streamlines Treatment Process for New Patients of Hormone Replacement Therapy


By increasing the levels of certain hormones in our bodies, we can slow, or even reverse, many of the symptoms of aging. This process must be done carefully and under medical supervision by a specialist. Many primary care physicians do not have the ability to prescribe this type of therapy properly. This is specifically how Eternal Vitality can help many American struggling with this battle. We can change lives and execute this plan properly and safely.

Eternal Vitality based in Tampa, Florida has rolled out their hormone replacement therapy program to assist men and women all over the country in regaining their youth. Their team provides the best comprehensive analysis of lab work to enable each patient to achieve success with this endeavor. Through their products and services, patients will receive the latest, most comprehensive, safe and effective hormone replacement therapy (HRT) plan available, including both testosterone and HGH therapy.
Hormone Replacement Therapy can begin at about the age of 30 years old. For most people that notice adverse symptoms that are brought on by early onset of hormone deficiencies, it can serve as a wonderful resource to regain your youth. Eternal Vitality encourages the public to realize that you are not alone and getting started is not as hard as it may seem. Although the guidelines are very strict to qualify, once you have gone through the appropriate steps, you can begin your journey to “Live Better and Feel Younger”, which is their motto.
Four main steps are critical in starting your treatment with Eternal Vitality. Most patients were already struggling with a decrease in hormones that led them to seek help. The first sign is difficulty with something that used to be rather easy to combat – whether it be a good night’s sleep, avoiding mood swings, keeping off excess weight, not being able to gain any lean muscle mass or even an irregular menstrual cycle. Blood work is done to scientifically show what the issue may be and with what hormones.
A physical exam is necessary as well to provide ample information that each patient is of good working health. Eternal Vitality is now able to establish a working chart on each patient moving forward. These two steps are critical in determining any underlying issues with any patient and how we can proceed moving forward to eliminate some of the aforementioned negative symptoms of early menopause or andropause.
The final two steps of the start up process require each patient to fill out a patient information packet that allows the doctor to review a questionnaire, family history, symptoms and goals of each patient along with providing sufficient identification along the way. Each of these steps is as important as the next and must all be met in order to seek treatment. A consultant will be assigned to each patient to walk them through the process to ensure they are well on their way to a happier, healthier future.
Hormone Replacement Therapy services provided by Eternal Vitality include consultation, lab work scheduling, lab work analysis by HRT medical doctor, and development of a treatment plan to ensure patients receive the help that they need. A consultant will walk patients through the entire HRT process including follow up. More information on Eternal Vitality’s hormone replacement therapy process is available at

About Eternal Vitality

Eternal Vitality is a dedicated team working nationwide at improving your health and happiness. Our goal is to help you live better and feel younger. Eternal Vitality offers comprehensive care in hormonal imbalances. To learn more, please visit our website

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Eternal Vitality
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Suite 204A
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By eternalvitality