Experts Connection Profiles the Three Must Haves For Executive-level Job Search


Leading Career Expert Ross Macpherson to Discuss How to Create Outstanding Resume, Executive Biography, and LinkedIn Profile for Successful Job Search.

NOVATO, Calif. (June 30, 2011) — The rules of executive job search have changed in the last decade, and to stay ahead of the competitors you need more than a solid resume. In the next session of Experts Connection (, Ross Macpherson, expert in advanced career strategies and president of Career Quest, will discuss how to create an outstanding resume, branded executive bio, and stand-out LinkedIn profile in a session entitled, “Top Three ‘Must Haves’ for Executive Level Job Search, The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27, from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. ET, (1:00 – 2:30 p.m. PT), and is sponsored by NETSHARE® (

More than ever, today’s successful executive job search requires marketing skill. To accelerate your career, you need to be able to differentiate your personal brand and articulate your unique value through strategies that hit decision-makers in target markets in effective and compelling ways. Your resume is the first tool you need to perfect, but it’s not enough. For a compelling marketing strategy, you need a great resume, a compelling LinkedIn profile that gets the right attention, and a strongly branded executive biography.

This webinar will offer practical tips to help you develop these three powerful job search tools, and how to use them. The webinar will discuss:
– Why each tool is a critical part of your job search strategy, and how they complement one another.
– Why you need more than just a resume – you need a GREAT resume – and how to build one.
– How to create a compelling LinkedIn profile, as opposed to the vast majority of poor and underwhelming profiles.
– What a “branded bio” is, how to create it, and why you need it.
– Tips on when and how these tools can be used to maximize your results.

“We spend a lot of time and energy networking and connecting with influencers who can help us advance our careers, but without a solid sales kit, you can’t use those connections to close your next career opportunity,” said Katherine Simmons, CEO of NETSHARE and host of the Experts Connection webinars. “Ross has years of experience helping executives build and sell their personal brands. In this webinar, he will share some of his secrets to success so you can stand out from the crowd and build a personal brand identity that can land the job you deserve.”

The Experts Connection teleseminar series gives executives access to leading career experts. The cost of the seminar is $60, $50 for NETSHARE members, and access is provided via web and telephone. For more information, visit the Experts Connection online at

About Ross Macpherson
Ross Macpherson is the President of Career Quest ( and a recognized expert in advanced career strategies – the strategies that have consistently put his clients miles ahead of their competition. He is a Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Certified Interview and Job Search Coach, and is recognized as one of the best resume writers in North America. Ross has 15 years experience in career development and specializes in the senior and executive market with clients throughout the U.S., Canada, and internationally. Ross is also a sought-after speaker and workshop facilitator. He has spoken at major career events, global industry conferences, universities, professional associations, and executive networking groups across Canada and the U.S.

NETSHARE ( is a confidential, membership based organization dedicated to providing executives across all disciplines and industries with quality $100K plus job lists. NETSHARE also offers networking opportunities and a community of peers for the exchange of strategic information related to job search, professional development and best practices. NETSHARE has been recognized by Fortune and Forbes magazines as the best online destination for executive positions.

Annette DiSano
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Woolf Media & Marketing
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