EyeRonec Revolutionizes the Way Iridology is Being Practiced


JUNE 28, 2011 – SYNDNEY, AUSTRALIA – EyeRonec, manufacturers of iridology cameras, today announced the patented design of an Iridology camera that supersedes all old Iridology equipment. Leo Bongaards ND MH, an electrical engineer and Naturopath, said, “Gone are the days that a patient has to be strapped in to a head and chin rest just to make an iridology picture of the eyes, and gone are the days of heavy cameras, lenses, and flash lights.”

Bongaards’ revolutionary camera, the “Pebble 8+2,” heralds the end of heavy and cumbersome equipment used for Iridology since the time of Bernard Jensen, “The Father of Iridology.”

Bongaards designed the small iridology camera and was awarded a design patent by the Commonwealth of Australia. “The unit has 8 lights for clear images of blue and light brown eyes and an extra 2 side lights in the front for the dark brown eyes that are traditionally difficult to photograph,” he said.

The “Pebble-8+2” camera is very small and fits in a laptop bag. Bongaards noted, “The amazing thing is that a live image is shown on the computer screen and the resulting image, that is captured and stored automatically, is exactly the same as the image on the preview screen.”

No false light reflections can spoil the image, as Bongaards has developed a closed system with a rubber eyecup covering the eye and the built-in cold lights are controlled from the camera. A 2 Mp CCD provides a great image and the software is stable and operates on all Windows and Mac computers.

Bongaards concludes that the company’s small “Pebble-8+2” camera will renew interest in Iridology, as the old chin and head rests, flash lights complicated cameras, and lengthy film development are now receding into the past. “The new camera as well as the price are tiny,” he noted.

For more information or to schedule an interview, visit www.iridology.nl , email [email protected], or call + 61 243622795.

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By iridol33