A Facelift With JS Cosmetic Surgery Can Transform Your Life


At JS Cosmetic Surgery we perform all types of procedures each carried out with the purpose of boosting a persons self confidence and body image. By far one of the most popular procedures we carry out is the facelift as the ageing process can sometimes have a negative effect on the facial skin and neck area and is the one area of the body most noticed by others.
The profession you are in may be a reason to consider a facelift. You will note that many people involved in the entertainment industry has a tendency to want to stay youthful look and resorting to a facelift in order to keep themselves fresh faced. But it is not just actors and actresses who have facelifts, a facelift in Lancashire is becoming more sought after as people bid to fight against the ageing process.
A facelift procedure involves the removing of excess skin from the neck, chin and cheek areas with incisions made in front of and behind the ear. The aim is to help tighten the skin and give an overall more youthful looking appearance. The procedure usually takes around two to three hours and may require a couple of overnight stays in hospital. A full recovery can usually be achieved within around three weeks time and you can return to exercise in six weeks.
We have numerous consulting locations within the Preston area meaning that you do not have to travel too far away from home. Each procedure including Cosmetic Surgery in Lancashire and a Tummy Tuck in Lancashire is carried out by an NHS Consultant Plastic Surgeon who provides a caring and fully professional service. He will support you all the way through from the initial consultation, right through to the time of recovery.
If you would like any further information on any of the procedures listed on our website, fill out the online form and we will be in touch.

Visit: www.jscosmeticsurgery.co.uk

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