Finding the right Engineering Academy


Just like you have to go to med school to be a doctor and law school to be a lawyer, you have to do engineering school to be an engineer. Call it a professional hazard if you like; you don’t have much of a choice in the matter. Somebody superior to you has got to endorse the papers that qualify you to build things that others are going to use.

A B.Sc. in Environmental engineering requires that you go through engineering school as well. If somewhere in your mind you had thought you could do it otherwise, you have got another think coming your way. Perhaps you should start working at that already; it does take a certain number of years to do the whole thing. The sooner you get to it, the quicker you can be through with it. All that you need to learn in design and planning, you can get in an engineering school. They also drill you in construction and in the maintenance of buildings. Isn’t that what you wanted to do? Why else would you be in an engineering school? Certainly not just to get a feel of it, because you can do that by just paying a friend a visit or something.

All forms of engineering teach you to apply the principles of mathematics and science to creating and building things. The idea is to solve man? problems with relative ease compared to how it was done in the dark ages. They teach you that in engineering school, and a whole lot more. You may want to keep your mind open for all that they have to offer.

America? engineering schools are some of the best in the world. It is not hard to tell because their products are the ones responsible for some of the most brilliant architectural wonders of the world today. Hold you head up high, sir. You are a product. There are a whole lot of processes involved in engineering. There are planning, designing, fabrications, installation and so on and so forth. Well, be rest assure that all the planning and everything else that you need to do in your engineering field, they teach it to you in engineering school. All the bringing about of something, you learn them in an atmosphere that is conducive for just such. Wouldn’t you just love that?

There are so many opportunities available in engineering that it is a wonder there aren’t many more people pinning for it. It must be the fear of engineering schools; and I don’t blame them. If you had to go through that, you?l understand how and why. They do numbers and figure till their ears fall off. I have nothing but respect for those who are able to survive it.

Lotus Interworks

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By StearsManthei347