Free Financial Health Check-Up With The FD Centre


With economic worries abounding across the country and, indeed, across Europe many businesses were expected to start looking for ways in which they can shore up their defences against the impending double-dip recession. Attention to detail is vital at such a volatile time, making it sensible to recruit a ‘fresh pair of eyes’ to check over operational issues such as accounts and tax planning. The FD Centre, Britain’s leading provider of part-time finance directors, has heard the need for such assistance and is reacting to demand by offering a pioneering new service called a Financial Health Check Up.


The completely free financial check offers those running businesses with turnovers of between £1m and £25m the chance to spend time with some of the most experienced part time finance directors in the country. The FD Centre’s portfolio of respected and accomplished finance directors can boast the likes of Dell, Mothercare and Laura Ashley on their resumes, and their work with The FD Centre has helped many businesses to streamline and expand. There are numerous ways in which to organise the finances of a company, and there are many ways in which to improve upon financial management; the FD Centre’s seasoned and highly experienced team can help to identify the best methods for each individual business.


The free financial health check provides three clear benefits to any business. It gives managers and owners dedicated time to talk with an experienced part time finance director, who can help with meeting goals and aiding growth. FD Centre FDs take clients through the steps recommended by the part-time finance director; a series of improvements which will help to create a future plan. The free session always features an in-depth examination of one area of a business which clients may feel needs particular attention. This could be cash flow, banking, exit strategies, funding or the internal controls of the business, for example; the expert part time FD will provide a detailed report on the area clients would like to place the spotlight on.


Through this free and confidential service, the FD Centre hope to gain more of an insight into the main problems faced by many businesses. This will enable its network of part time finance directors to assist future clients more efficiently. The check-up also helps regional and national partners of the FD Centre (which include banks, lawyers and accountants) to understand what is going on within client’s businesses and allows them to tailor their services accordingly.


About the author

By RebeccaA