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Free HTTP Tunnel for POP3/SMTP Released on

The mailFISH makes it possible to access E-Mail messages in your favourite E-Mail client even if you are behind a firewall or proxy. POP3/SMTP traffic is tunnelled over HTTP whenever necessary. The basic version of the service can be used for free on from now on.

Vienna, Austria, July 12, 2008 – By tunnelling mail server communications over HTTP/HTTPS, the mailFISH makes it possible to access any mail account from behind firewalls or proxies that block POP3 or SMTP ports. It can be used to bypass restrictive company or public network settings and to use your favourite E-Mail client (such as Microsoft Outlook, Firebird, etc.) wherever you are. The service is available at from now on.

The mailFISH comes to you as a small application which has to be downloaded and installed. A so-called POP3/SMTP proxy acts as a local mail server and forwards your mail communication in an intelligent way. If your mail servers can be reached directly, this direct connection is used. If, however, no direct connection can be established your mail traffic is translated into HTTP and securely tunnelled through the server-side part of the service at

In the free basic version of the service, up to 30 mail messages a day can be tunnelled. “It is important to note that of course only messages that go through our servers are counted.” says Jürgen Kuster, the founder of “If a direct connection is available everything works as it did before and no credits are required.”

The main advantages of the mailFISH are the easy and well-documented setup of the client as well as the fact that it does not require access to a personal web server. Companies that want to provide many clients with the service can also set up their own local mailFISH tunnelling server. does not log any passwords, message content or other kind of sensitive data. SSL is used to secure the communication between the mailFISH client and the relaying server. offers various services that shall enhance the daily life of internet users. Currently, the most popular applications are the consoleFISH, a free browser SSH client, and the jarFISH, a large Java class and archive search engine available at was founded in 2008 and is operated in Vienna, Austria.

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