New directory offers website owners a chance to stand out


Webmasters weigh in: using free link directory can help in today’s web-based economy

Webmasters today are struggling to keep up their internet-based businesses because of the growing amount of competition out there. Even those who maintain well designed and well stocked websites are finding it much more difficult today to keep people coming to their sites. There is a solution for these people, though. The website is providing webmasters with a chance to separate their website and online business from the rest of the crowd by offering a free, well maintained link directory submission service.

Research shows that today’s website owners face a more difficult challenge than ever before. While the internet used to be an excellent place to advertise their products and services, it is now much more crowded, so webmasters are competing for the attention and time of potential customers. Traditional forms of advertising have proven expensive and difficult to maintain, so webmasters have cried out in need of a new, affordable way to set themselves apart. is providing that opportunity for webmasters and is changing the way people do business on the internet. The website keeps out all of the spam links that have become prevalent on the Internet in the last few years. One website owner said of, “The Internet has turned into a tough place to sell your stuff. We needed a place that would set out links apart from all of the riff-raff.”

The website is currently offering webmasters a chance to submit their link for free. The site has been well maintained, so all of the links there are legitimate and spam has a hard time surviving.

“It is important to get your link out there if you are going to be competing in this growing Internet market,” one user said. “Without that, our sites might as well not even exist.” was established in 2006 as the place for webmasters to get the word out about their website or web business. It provides a free submission service that specializes in helping these webmasters bring more publicity to their online business.

If you would like more information on the industry, the website, or if you would like to arrange an interview, Paul C. Walton can be reached at ([email protected])

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By the9crow