Most people are affected by the current crises and according to the Conference Board’s 2008 Christmas survey of 5,000 households, U.S. families are expected to spend 11% less on holiday gifts this year compared to last year. On average, they plan to dish out $418 for gifts during the holidays, down from $471 last year. “That is a lot of lost money for the retail industry that is counting on the Holiday season to make ends meet before looking at the numbers for the year.” says Sandra Nyholm, CEO of the online store

The holidays are around the corner and although some people might be afraid of lay-offs, they still want to make sure that Santa comes to the door with memorable gifts.

Usually brick and mortar retailers offer huge discounts on black Friday. However, in the following weeks the discounts become smaller and the prices tend to go back up. One way to save money is to look at the online stores. With these shops you usually get the best deals, save on gas and do not have to fight the crowd.

The little secret among professional shoppers is that the best way of saving is to focus on the emotional impact of the gift itself. Indeed, while buying a present is often stressful (“Will the person like it? Is it the latest model? Does it look good enough? Is it expensive enough?”), the simple truth behind gifting is to genuinely make a person happy and show that you care.

Our recommendation, says Ms Nyholm, is to shift the focus from high tech gadgets, electric toys or DVD’s and to take a look at personalized gifts. These presents allow you to put your heart on the table and to show the ones you love that you truly thought about them. No matter the price, these gifts will always have a special meaning to those you care about.
“It is amazing how much our kids loved the personalized books we gave them. They want to read them every day and are very careful with them.” says Susana M., a mother of two living in California.

Not convinced yet? Consider this: a few weeks or months after the holidays people forgot what they received for Christmas. With personalized gifts, people remember them for months and sometimes years.

According to Michael G., the dad of three girls living in Illinois, “my wife still talks about the personalized jewelry I gave her two years ago while she completely forgot about the mp3 player she received last year”

Want to finish your holiday shopping now? offers a wide selection of unique and personalized gifts that you will be proud to offer.

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If you would like more information about this topic, contact Petit Bliss’ excellent customer service at 877-582-5477 or e-mail [email protected]

About the author

By david5390