Gods Warriors and Battle Cry, a New Development Endangering the World -A Critical Analysis of the Origin and Solution


Date 17/9/2007

The days of fear of collision of intellect of super powers and destruction through nuclear holocaust are gone. Humankind is now endangered by bigger fear by the Battle Cry of Gods warriors. The spiritual awakening under the belt of multitude of religions is causing a huge threat to modern society as never before. Christiane Amanpour of CNN through her six hour episodes on Christian warriors, Jewish warriors and Muslim Warriors brought out this naked reality. This combined with Global Warming, Climate Change; increased Natural Catastrophes is making human life miserable and endangered. The CNN has fulfilled its journalistic role of bringing the problem to the lime light for the intellectuals to think. But the question left behind is what are the real cause and what is the solution. Many of these warriors, by their half awakened spirituality are psyched for Mother of all Battles. With all the fire power of matter behind them, the scenario emerging is deadlier than before the era of super power and tensions of nuclear war.

Author could perceive the evolution of our world to the present day situation as he was working as a researcher in biotechnology. He realized that humankind is inching to self destruction because of the lack of interrelationship and oneness of nature [Truth of Nature]. In a turning point of his life he chose to stay with his consciousness and left the research world to seek Truth. He notes that only Truth can save the world from the impending disaster and calls the attention of the world to it. Modern world is the product our divisive approach to understand nature and problems humanity faces. The author feels it should come from the opposite. From two decades of research author produces the Fundamental Design and Principle on which nature is constructed, related and is working perpetually in cycles. The knowledge not only accounts for the all the developments in science and bring them together, but goes ahead to explain the spiritual reality. It has potential to cause the unity of all religion thus defusing the tension endangering humanity.

Though author is spiritual and New Born, he feels that blind or half bread spirituality is dangerous. It is power full than atomic bombs, accurate and non failing than the best of the missiles mankind has developed and it has additional capacity of self programming and to breed its copies. With more and more people turning spiritual and spirituality aiming the seat of power and judiciary, the situation is turning to a point of triggering Mother of all Battles and self-destruction. A half bread spiritual leader in the seat of power can create more havoc than a half bread intellectual, [selfish /corrupt] person in the hierarchy. Reasons are simple

1] Human existence is a struggle to know the Truth of his existence in Nature. There are two paths. An intellectual is a person who seeks the Truth from the material world and depends on what he sees from his senses. Undoubtedly it is inferior. He perceives the disorder, disturbance and death as coming form the opposite thus sets out to conquer and corrupt the opposite. He is driven by fear and his basic motive is to protect life and have life. Thus he develops weapons primarily for self protection, but his ignorant self manifest as conquering motive and corruption leading to upsetting of the balance, creating disorder destruction. He breaks the Mother of all Laws by his ignorance and calls upon himself death.

2] Spirituality is a second path that is opposite to intellect and materialistic path. It is awakened by the disturbance, disorder created by the intellectual path leading the whole to death. It is positive and emerges as resisting and balancing factor. Human quest for spirituality is also is triggered by his quest to know himself and nature. Spirituality is real, superior and is the foundation on which nature exist. Science has proved that energy and mass are the same. Mass/matter is simply encapsulated form of energy or spirit. What this means life and all organic matter and material matter has its origin from one source, the Spirit or Energy. However, today humanity is caught in the material vortex. The modern, money and power oriented culture, lack of order and justice, the excessive competition has led to a limit, making individual and collective mind restless. Our media has an important role in this. They feed the unreal into the young and growing minds. The young minds when faced with reality turns restless and disoriented, thus breeding increased violence and destruction.

Mind when it is disoriented seeks some orientation. The revival of spirituality has its root in this natural evolutionary trend or the instinct of the system to survive. In fact the break down and disorientation of mind of humanity could be traced to break down of foundation of science and defeat of Einstein in the battle of Copenhagen. Since then our growth has no direction and control and has become random and disoriented. The disoriented mind disturbs the flow of energy in living system leading to the development of heat in the body, mind, soul and it inches to death.

The instability of the mind is contributed by the modern world. It is apparent that at some it point should lead to collapse. The survival instinct forces a turn around. Such turnaround and fall occurs invariably under the banner of a religion and the mind and intellect becomes submissive to it. Faith calls upon us to submit our intellect to consciousness in order to find order through the Higher Intellect. When a mind/intellect submits to this consciousness, it unites with the Universal Consciousness that gives Life. This feeling is unique a person one who stands on the other side of the river will never will be able understand it. Since his transformation happens under the belt of one or the other religion his mind and intellect now becomes subservient to religious force. The world divided on many religions automatically Get Warriors to fight for their religion and enforce it on others

We human seek God when we are disturbed and there is always an intent behind our quest. In the famous Vedic teaching, the teacher teaches the student the art of liberating mind to seek Truth. The teacher leads the student till the seventeenth step but leaves the student to tap and open the last door. Every one who taps the door and opens it utters “This is Not”. It clearly tells us that every human fails at the last door step, for all humans approaches the God with intent. The Vedic and other ancient religious scriptures tell us that God Himself enacts from time to time to lead Humanity in the right direction and perpetuates His Creation.

What most religious groups have failed to understand is that the Universal Consciousness is only the feminine face, there is masculine face called Intelligence or the Intellect of God, which Creates, give life and actually controls the whole thing. The completeness of the spirituality and its initialization occurs only when one transforms through the Intellect or intelligence of the Creator. Here the man made barriers of religion breaks and all the darkness vanishes and light and pure knowledge, the knowledge of interrelationship and oneness emerges.

This knowledge of the Divine cannot come to any one who approaches Truth through his intellect and its five manifested senses. It also will it be opened to any one who approaches it with intent. Author was a non-believer; he took to research with a consciousness hoping to contribute something to humanity as he lives his life. Confronted by a choice, his mind revolted than submitting his Consciousness and bowing his intellect to darkness clothed in white. Author chose to sacrifice his dream of an academic career, freed himself to be a small farmer living one with nature. Here he pursued Truth without intent through his intellect. Truth was so near yet so far. Eventually in a Golden moment author submitted, his intellect unconditionally to the Higher Intellect or Intelligence Guiding Nature. In that moment not only author experienced the Love of the Universal Consciousness, but was shown the Simple Design and Principle working behind the complex world. This revelation was also accompanied by duty to be a warrior fighting for Light and defending it. Not as a support of any religion but to break and cause its unity before the inevitable Time Change happens. Author could perceive immense Love of the Father the Creator in the simple revelation of interrelationship and oneness. The realization of interrelationship and oneness is the only way out of the impending danger of self destruction to which humanity is tending in the name of God.

The Divine Secret which the author also calls as the Quantum Secret is explored in depth in his site

“Secret of Nature – The System Design” – http://www.geocities.com/quantum_reality2003/index.htm

“Secret of Consciousness and Intelligence” – http://www.geocities.com/consciousness123/index.htm

The site speaks of the fundamental design and principle by which a quantum particle exist, how they go to form various quantum systems [matter particle], how matter particle shows creativity to form organic and inorganic compounds, how life is formed from these particle, how human being is different from plant and animal kingdom, how the qualitative diversity exist and so on. In fact it answerers all the fundamental questions of science and spirituality and takes our understanding of nature to higher level of unity and oneness. It gives a new plat form and orientation to human mind. The new orientation is the opposite of what the divisive approach that western civilization contributed to the world. It is kept as humble challenge to the temples of Science and Religions.

Important conclusion that the site makes is that, time and its cycle is inevitable. The time associated with the universal system collapses and initializes to go in cyclic manner. [Quantum Wave Collapse]. We are going through a phase of such collapse and initialization. This is very much predicted in most ancient knowledge systems. [ Veda, Bible, Mayan culture]. Mayan’s, who are time keepers of the world, have predicted it to be 2012. This means, the years ahead could be highly destructive if humanity does not awaken to the inter relationship and oneness. Nothing can stop the collapse. The Bible truly compares it to pains of mother bleeding in order to give Birth. The blood shed, the disturbed state of earth, sun, solar system, the distant space, Global warming and increased natural catastrophes Etc., are sure signs and a call to for humanity to awaken to the Truth of Nature and its Oneness

This press release is released with the best interest of bringing awareness of interrelationship and oneness of nature to cause awakening of human consciousness and intelligence such that awakened individual and the society takes guard of his abode. The media is humbly requested to take the matter to the world for evaluation.

John Paily

Grace Villa
Grace New Age Research
Pinto’s Cottage Lane
Shediguri, Ashok Nagar, Mangalore
Karnataka, India, PIN575006
Ph 918242451547

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About the author

By johnpaily