Gold Coast Quit Smoking Program Works in 60 Minutes


January 1, 2010 – Happy New Year! The bells may still be ringing and songs playing as people around the world say good bye to the old year 2009 and welcome in the new. There is no question that 2009 was a year of challenge, change and adjusting to both. For smokers who were unsuccessful in ending their smoking habit, there is new promise with 2010 that can change lives permanently for the better. Being able to kick the habit can add 12 years or more to each person’s life who decides to let cigarettes go for good.

Gold Coast residents who smoke are among the billion lives that were lost to tobacco. This is a startling reality that must change immediately. Those who have tried to give up smoking in the past but failed know the feelings associated with cravings and some of the demoralizing techniques that treat your habit more like a disease than a problem that you, as a person are struggling with. Fortunately, the New Year is here and has brought promise for those who want to throw away that last pack of cigarettes and never look back.

Gold Coast smokers can now quit cigarettes in 60 minutes with the help of the professionals at My Success Club. Director Clinton J. Carter has made the commitment to Gold Coast residents who want to stop smoking. “We offer the hypnosis programs that work. When you’re trying to stop smoking, you don’t want to take chances with services that aren’t guaranteed. My Success Club has a success rate of 95.6% and we’re not done yet.”

Carter has embarked upon a mission to save 1000 lives in 2010 by creating more hypnosis success stories of Gold Coast smokers who come to My Success Club and are able to quit smoking in just 1 hour. “Smoking patches, gums and painful treatments are a thing of the past. Our quit smoking program works, it’s that simple,” says Carter. His passion for helping smokers to save their own lives is shared by a full staff of professional hypnotherapy specialists who are highly skilled and sensitive to the needs of people who have been unable to break the chains of smoking that control their lives.

Gold Coast hypnotherapy programs are available at My Success Program, Centrepoint Arcade, Level 1, Suite 18a, 3290 Surfers Paradise Boulevard, Surfers Paradise, Queensland 4217 Australia. “If you’re ready to quit smoking, we’re here to help. Success in ending smoking does not come to you, you go to it and with My Success Club, you arrive.”A healthy, smoke-free life offers many rewarding opportunities and My Success Club is the key. Gold Coast smokers can make 2010 the year to put down their smoking habit for once and for all with successful hypnosis that ends smoking desires in as little as 60 minutes.

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By ydccez