Green Realty Recently Opened The Most Comprehensive Green Marketplace On The Web!


Green Realty recently opened the most comprehensive marketplace on the Web for everything eco. Green Realty offers organic, all-natural and eco-friendly products.

Davie, FL, December 07, 2009 — Green Realty recently opened the most comprehensive marketplace on the Web for everything eco. Green Realty offers organic, all-natural and eco-friendly products. Green Realty’s expert-researched products are less wasteful and less toxic than mainstream products. All of Green Realty’s products are environmentally friendly and guaranteed to be safe for your children, your home, and the earth (

Green Realty has made it incredibly easy to go green and every time you make a purchase from their environmental Green Realty Store located at, you will be supporting the growing Green movement! Green Realty is focused on educating the South Florida Real Estate market as well as introducing a variety of green products from A to Z.

Green Realty thoroughly researches all the products sold on its website, putting every product it carries through a rigorous evaluation process, ensuring each is as green as possible. This process requires that manufacturers provide detailed information about each green product. Green Realty also believes in supporting businesses that are transforming local economies, supporting our health, and protecting our environment. Whether you’re looking to reduce energy used by your appliances, go vegan and organic or just live a low-impact lifestyle, the new Green Realty Green Store offers something to help you. Green Realty offers a great selection of eco-friendly products, a wealth of interesting articles, information, and a complete Toxipedia that will help you lower your environmental impact and reduce your carbon footprint!For Green Realty’s Toxipedia visit:

By supporting Green Realty’s Green Home store, you will not only be strengthening their organization, but also supporting their Green Realty company that is changing the way the world does business. Buying green products for yourself and others passes along the message that the environment matters more than ever.

Green Realty is for a sustainable Green future!

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Press Contact:
Chris Green
Green Realty Properties
12555 Orange Drive
Davie, FL 33330
[email protected]

About the author

By saravanan2