Hard-to-Treat Children Find Relief at KinderSmiles


Dr. Darryl Engel Specializes in Treating Youngsters with Special Needs

A visit to the dentist can be a daunting experience for many adults, but for children, the experience can be quite frightening; even more so for children with special needs. That’s why so many dentists call on their colleague, Pediatric Dentist Dr. Darryl Engel of KinderSmiles to treat those hard-to-treat youngsters. Dr. Engel specializes in providing superb services to anxious children, children with autism or children with any type of disability.

Through his training, Dr. Engel has developed a systematic approach to dealing with children and patients with special needs. Working with parents and caregivers, he has created a treatment approach appropriate for each and every child. Dr. Engel is board-certified and a Diplomat of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and, as such, he is recognized as one of the elite specialists in his field. He is also one of the few dentists in the region that is certified to do oral sedation.

    About Darryl Engel, DMD

Dr. Engel completed his dental training at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. After receiving his dental degree, he attended a two-year specialty program in Pediatric Dentistry at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. The acclaimed Children’s Hospital at Montefiore was a fertile training ground for Dr. Engel where he received a unique opportunity to work along side some of the best-known practitioners in pediatric dentistry and medicine. Dr. Engel holds a specialty license in pediatric dentistry from New Jersey and New York. He has attained sedation certification that allows for in-office oral sedation options and is on-staff at Hackensack University Medical Center. Dr. Engel lives in Northern New Jersey with his wife and three children.

Find out more about Dr. Darryl Engel and KinderSmiles at www.kindersmiles.com

For more information, contact Angela Thomas at (201) 503-1333 or email [email protected]

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By prana01