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Innovative design: updates web-interface of the rapidly growing photo-community

Critically acclaimed database and alternative photo-community at reveals new design of the free, fast & rapidly growing online-platform of the world.

Haan, Germany, April 11, 2008 — Critically acclaimed database and alternative photo-community at reveals new design of the free, fast & rapidly growing online-platform of the world.And it is the whole planet Earth, aims to document: Every notable spot, each place of interest and even the very streets users are living in – as seen today and in past times. It is a complex and intricate task, yet remarkably supported by MyGreatWorld’s latest and enhanced design:

At the main page of users now find a reduced and well-planned menu without dispensable and unwanted gadgets or pop-ups. All elemental functions are within easy reach and it is not before the choice of a country that the second (and more detailed) menu expands, allowing new users to register and old users to login.

To make the database work, users are asked for the time (year or even better: year & month) and a category their picture fits in best. Any further description a user enters will be additionally indexed for key-words. The same goes for the photo’s title. Structures and designs are straightforward and comprehensible.

Creating new spots (or uploading to those already generated) within the map-based and coherent upload-section is still a breeze – as is the plain searchbar that will produce the desired results in most cases. The advanced search, on the other hand underlines the fact that the sites of offer more than a mere pool of pretty pictures:

The Advanced Search allows for combinations of various search-parameters including the time of the capture, the motive, the spot, key-words in title or description and even the filtering for a certain photographer.

“The site lives from the users’ engagement and from the belief that on an international level there are no ‘mundane’ or ‘mediocre’ photos: The world in all its facets is very well worth seeing and what’s ‘interesting’ is in the eye of the beholder…”

With Marco Stuewe and Thorsten Scherff prove once again that a free and fast service can become an alternative to commercial websites and that a functional, well developed layout helps to effectively categorize uploads, to provide access to the data inserted and – in case of – to communicate the beauty of the world.

When Marco Stuewe and Thorsten Scherff called MyGreat into life their aim was to establish an open and non-commercial platform for every user to share his/her impressions of any place on earth. They wanted to create a database for all the international main destinations which would allow for a simple and fast access both to pictures of a place or landscape and to user-comments on the respective location.

Even though has not officially left BETA yet, the site has already been positively acknowledged by major print media such as NATURFOTO. has just this April 2008 been awarded ‘The Editorial Staff’s Web-Darling’ of Germanys biggest student newspaper UNICUM.

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Thorsten Scherff
MyGreat GbR
Guetchen 7
42781 Haan
+49 (0) 7000

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