Helpful Hints For Training A Well-Behaved Dog


When training your dog, in order for him to be properly well-behaved make sure your entire household is consistent in their training methods. Dogs respond best to consistency in their training methods. If one person trains a dog differently, then the dog will be confused about how it should properly behave.

If you want your do to be house trained, you must make sure that he follows a regular elimination and feeding schedule. This can train your dog to whine or come get you when he feels the urge, so you can let him out and prevent him from doing his business inside. A schedule is a great way to train a dog how to hold in their needs till they can go out.

Use treats that your dog really loves for the best training results. You may even opt to give them they would not usually have, such as hotdogs or ice cream.

Use the dog’s name as much as possible to ensure that it pays attention. By using it as much as possible during the first weeks you own him, your puppy will learn that this sound is in reference to him. Choose a puppy name that sounds differently than other words your puppy may hear throughout the day.

When trying to train a puppy it is important to resist games such as tug-of-war. These games along with chasing games and wresting games encourage the little pup to start biting your hands. This behavior is very difficult to break, so you should avoid these games while they are still a puppy.

When someone enters your house, do not be afraid to tell them the best way to interact with your dog. These behaviors may encourage your dog to misbehave and leap onto a guest or attempt to show dominance.

Providing your dog with food that it likes while training him or her will help give them incentive to do good. Your dog will be more motivated and work harder if the rewards you use in training are his favorite things to eat. Be sure to analyze how your dog acts when given the reward.

You should use positive motivation when you are training your dog. Always reward your dog when they successfully respond to a command. If you are negative and use punishment in your training, the dog will just be afraid and might not do as you ask.

Make sure you are consistent when you train your dog. Make sure everyone involved in your dog’s life uses the same commands that you do. Also, make sure to be on the same page regarding rewarding good behavior and never rewarding bad behavior. Your dog will understand what is required if everyone involved uses the same approach.

Using wee-wee pads is actually counter productive when you are potty training your new puppy. The pads eventually leak; leaked waste marks certain areas in the house as “potty areas”. Also, Wee-wee pads also can make dogs think that they can use similar shaped objects as a bathroom. You should instruct your dog to go outside.

Many dog owners are surprised by the ease with which dog training can be integrated into their schedules. They are further amazed when they begin
to see great results in no time at all. If your dog is testing your patience a bit, try using a few of these tips.

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About the author

By AidaRichert