Herbal Cure For Anxiety


Lots more people than you would imagine are afflicted by anxiety and panic attacks. It’s a very unpleasant feeling to suddenly feel short of breath and have adrenaline racing through you r system with no warning whatsoever. Panic attacks can occur anywhere and also at any moment.

Panic attacks are really a side-effect of an anxiety condition. Some individuals suffer from panic attacks for most of their lives and simply deal with it because they can’t afford the regular western medications psychiatrists usually recommend. They should not have to do this. There are a number of other choices available. One of them is a herbal cure intended for anxiety.

We are surrounded by herbs which all possess a wide selection of properties which we are not aware of. Luckily we’re aware of a few of them.

The first herbal cure for anxiety is bacopin. It is produced from a fleshy leaved herb that grows in rice fields and is commonly thought to be a weed. From a study done on the anxiety reducing powers of bacopin it had been discovered that the herb managed to drastically reduce the levels of anxiety experienced by the participants after as little as four weeks

Then you have the ginko biloba. It is an oriental tree which often can live for more than a thousand years. Research indicates that a herbal supplement created from the leaves has anti-anxiety qualities, especially effective in generalized anxiety disorder or adjustment disorder with anxious mood.

Another herbal cure for anxiety would be the passion flower. It’s believed that the passion flower raises the amounts of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain which decreases the symptoms of anxiety. The flower is often employed in conjunction with various other herbal supplements which enhance its effects.

5HTP has already been shown to have some type of impact on panic attacks and anxiety, but most studies who observed this advised that much more research be performed into how this natural extract works and the actual effects it has on panic attacks.

There are many other herbal cures for panic attack and anxiety. Some are more effective than others and all should only be used after substantial research has been done. If you’re taking other medication you need to investigate the potential interactions of those drugs with the herbal cure for anxiety you have selected to think about as an alternative.

For more information on herbal cure for anxiety, go to http://www.panicsymptoms.org

About the author

By SamsonMuric