Herbals Remedies Prove Effective in Treating Feline Hyperthyroidism


Pets are subject to many of the same ailments that affect their human companions. Hyperthyroidism is one such metabolic disorder and results in death if left untreated. FelineHyperThyroidism.org provides owners with essential information to help in the detection, diagnosis and feline hyperthyroidism treatment.

“Hyperthyroidism in a cat is a very common disease,” said Alex Howell, owner of the site. “The site is designed to help pet owners understand more about the symptoms, diagnosis, remedies and treatments.”

The website provides information on treatments, symptoms and herbs that can be used in feline hyperthyroidism treatments. Tips on diets and the care of cats with hyperthyroidism are also offered.

Cats suffering from hyperthyroidism have an overactive thyroid gland that produces an overabundance of hormones. It governs growth, metabolic rate and a number of internal functions. Hyperthyroidism isn’t always easy to diagnose, as the symptoms are variable.

Cats requiring feline hyperthyroidism treatment will have poor coat quality and shed excessively. They exhibit diarrhea or vomiting, along with increased thirst and urination, and an excessive or noticeable decrease in appetite. They can become lethargic or display hyperactivity, become anorexic and suffer from cardiac and breathing problems.

Typical treatments include prescription medications, surgical removal of the affected glands, or treatment of radioactive iodine. Pills must be given daily for the rest of their lives. Felines run the risk of infection, along with damage to surrounding tissues and the voice box with surgery.

After the removal of the glands, cats can develop problems with a vitamin D deficiency, low blood calcium levels resulting in seizures, and abnormally sized pupils and droopy eyelids. Symptoms of kidney disease may also be apparent and worsen after surgery or iodine treatments.

FelineHyperThyroidism.org offers information on a number of herbs that have been used for centuries to treat a multitude of illnesses and can be of benefit in feline hyperthyroidism treatments. Astragalus is one such herb used to strengthen the immune system, and protect against cancer and liver problems. Chamomilla aids in reducing aggressive symptoms, while stinging nettle, lycopus and bladderwrack helps in regulating thyroid function.

The website provides vital information about feline hyperthyroidism treatments, symptoms, diets and the care of cats with the metabolic disorder, along with a number of herbal remedies that are beneficial in treating and regulating thyroid disease in cats. The site helps owners educate themselves on a deadly condition, allowing them to make informed decisions about the care and treatment of their feline companion.

Howell can be reached via email with the convenient form on the website. For more information, visit the website at http://www.felinehyperthyroidism.org./


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By talentshout