Keep Your Home Warm


Have you ever considered how energy efficient your windows are? You could be surprised to know that a staggering 26% of all domestic heat loss escapes through the windows. With energy prices continuing to rise, it has become a real concern for many people as they desperately try to find ways of reducing their heating bills. Planitherm believe a good place to start is with your windows.
Most windows are now rated within the energy rating scheme. This allows you to make informed decisions about the windows that you are buying as it lets you know how energy efficient the windows will be once installed into your property.
The energy rating ranges from an A to G with A rated windows being the most energy efficient.
A rated windows are not just a little bit better, they are the tipping point where a window moves from losing you money through energy loss, to actually saving you money.
Planitherm is a leading supplier of A rated windows and Low e glass which is three times more efficient than that of standard double glazing. Planitherm products use a special metallic coating that reflects heat back into a room, rather than letting it escape like traditional windows. At the same time they allow FREE energy and heat from the sun to pass through, actually helping to heat your home. Combine the two and you’re well on your way to saving money on your energy bills.
Energy efficient windows not only help UK homeowners save money on their energy bills, they have other benefits too.
By using less fuel within your home you will be reducing your carbon footprint, which helps the environment. Your home will also feel much more comfortable during the winter as the draughts and cold spots caused by your old windows will be eliminated.
To discover the potential of Planitherm, or to find a local installer, visit

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By motionlab