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Keep Your Home Warm Even Though It Is Snowing Outside

Much of the UK has woken up this morning to open their curtains and discover that the UK is covered in a blanket of snow. Although it may look very beautiful, with temperatures not predicted to rise far above one degree in many areas all day if your house is not adequately insulated then you may be in for a cold day.

The insulation of our homes is very important. It is important for our health that we live in an environment that is warm and comfortable and therefore if our homes are not well insulated we have to generate a lot of heat to keep our them warm. Generating heat not only costs us a considerable amount of money due to the price of gas and electricity but it is also damaging to the environment as we burn more fossil fuels which is thought to contribute to global warming.

When it comes to insulting our homes one of the key areas to consider is the windows. Up to 25% of the heat generated in a home can be lost through inefficient windows. If you have old fashioned timber framed windows then the likelihood is that they are very inefficient. By replacing them with ‘A’ rated double glazing you will reduce the amount of heat lost from your home considerably. As the name suggest double glazing is made by two panes of glass been sealed together and a gap is left between the two panes and it is this gap which acts as an insulator and helps to keep the heat in.

Although the initial outlay for installing double glazing may seem quite considerable when you take into account the amount that you will be saving on your gas and electricity bills you will often find that they will more than pay for themselves. Not to mention the positive effect they will be having on your carbon footprint and helping to protect the environment.

For more information on energy saving windows in your area including double glazing Gloucester, double glazing Newport or double glazing Bristol visit or call us for a no obligation quote on 0800 163 369.

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