New in iBlue: Content Development Provider


Alexandria: Sunday, 6th April 2008

According to market’s demand, iBlue is expanding from providing bluetooth proximity marketing solutions to also providing its clients with its new Content Development services.

iBlue not just provides its clients with the solution to start your marketing campaign, It also gives them the opportunity to build their own customized Bluetooth marketing solution with their own brand in…

With reference to Dr. Khaled Aly, the mandatory member of iBlue co.: iBlue have the knowledge, experience and tools to quickly develop the content and material its clients need. Development may take the form of various java mobile applications like mobile maps (for cities, malls, airports, exhibitions…), mobile guides (tour guide, bank catalogues, movie channel guide…), branded java games, and other different java applications customized to meet our individual client’s needs. This is in addition to our basic content development of Still Image, Animated Image, MIDI File, Sound Sample, and Video Clip that would increase the presence of our client’s products and services to reach a wider number of customers on our client’s Bluetooth devices.

Eng. Ahmed Magdy, the Platform Independent Development Manager added that: As a part of iBlue content development service, we’ll work with our clients to produce materials that meet their exact specification. This can include user needs analysis, content design and development, accessibility and usability.

Eng. Mohammed Habib, the iBlue project manager and system designer added that our solutions can handle all content types that will be developed in iBlue’s new era as Content Development Provider.

About the author


iBlue is a company whose mission is to provide enterprises with innovative, reliable, flexible, yet easy to use solutions by utilizing Bluetooth data communication technology and its expertise in their state of the art. iBlue is developed by Bird ICT's and is fully owned by Bird ICT. There is a wide range of enterprise solutions to be introduced to the market and each solution will have its unique implementation to satisfy specific market needs.
for more information please send an email to [email protected]

By khaledaly