Independence Day Warning! – What To Do About Senior Falls Before It’s Too Late


“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that falls are the leading cause of injury death for Americans 65 years and older”, explains Yves Marie Danie Baptiste, an advocate for the safety of older adults.

New York, NY, June 24, 2008 — For many people, the arrival of the 4th of July is a fun event. There will be barbecues, crowded parades, and spectacular fireworks that go boom in the sky. But for home alone seniors living without emergency alert systems the risk of losing their independence and having to move into a nursing home increases every day.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that falls are the leading cause of injury death for Americans 65 years and older”, explains Yves Marie Danie Baptiste, an advocate for the safety of older adults. “Oftentimes, those injured remain on the floor for many hours and sometimes days before somebody finds them and calls for help. By then, it is usually too late to save their lives or prevent the onset of permanent disability.

According to Baptiste, whose involvement with senior care organizations spreads awareness of senior falls and educating the public on safety measures, the types of injuries that occur does not have to lead to one losing their ability to care for themselves and remain living in their homes if emergency systems are locked into place.

“This would significantly decrease the likelihood of premature deaths,” says Baptiste. In fact, it would bring great peace of mind and comfort to the families knowing that their loved ones are much safer and not alone in the event of an accident.

For more information on how to better protect yourself or your senior parents in the home, please visit: or call the 24 hour center at 347-823-2601.
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Yves Marie Danie Baptise
New York, NY
[email protected]

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