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Inflation – The Secret Government Funding Source

Jeff Nabers has been highly sought after for his financial expertise for several years by countless organizations

Denver, CO – February 24, 2010 — ”The decrease in buying power that is being experienced by all taxpayers today is due to the government’s inflation of the money supply,” says the founder of Nabers Group, Jeff Nabers. ”This is not only taxation without representation… it’s taxation without the American people even knowing!”

”It is basically the same concern that instigated the Boston Tea Party in 1773.” adds Nabers.

He goes on to convey, ”No one votes on whether the government can print money for all the programs they have used to waste money over the years. This is why the decrease in buying power is being felt by all Americans. This is the tax being collected that no one knows about and it is the easiest tax to collect.”

From more information from this organization, watch the Nabers Group financial report on the possible effects of hyperinflation

Taxes for everything imaginable are being paid by the people and most do not even realize they are paying these taxes.

“From sales tax to death tax, the rate of taxation is at least 60 percent for every dollar ever made. With the bulk of the American people’s money going to taxes already, how much more does the government expect the average person to pay” asks Mr. Nabers.

What will happen when more Americans reach the age of retirement? Will they be able to retire at all? Jeff Nabers, the founder of Nabers Group, was just as disillusioned with the state of the economy as the rest of the world. In fact, he became so concerned with inflation that, four years ago, he began to put his money into a Self-Directed IRA and 401(k).

His company is a leading full-service Self-Directed Plan Provider. It provides solutions for the average person to allow a retirement account to be established that is actually tax favored. These unrestricted investments are put into real estate, private companies, mortgage notes and other assets.

Jeff says, ”I annually visit with the U.S. Department of Labor (the government organization responsible for interpreting and enforcing retirement plan prohibited transactions code) in Washington, D.C., and I’m the founding member of the nonprofit professional trade & education association, IRA Association of America.”

He has been featured as an expert source for Self-Directed IRA/401(k) information for the Los Angeles Times in June 2007, the Chicago Tribune in July 2007, Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Realty Times, Pensco Trust and many other regional newspapers.

About Nabers Group:
Jeff Nabers has been highly sought after for his financial expertise for several years by countless organizations, including Entrepreneur Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, and Pensco Trust, to name a few. As the founding member of the IRA Association of America, he brings integrity back to the business of investing.

Nabers Group ( is available to consult with individuals regarding their savings plan, with answers about all aspects of Self-Directed IRA and Solo 401k Planning.

Contact :
Phoebe Chongchua
VP of Communications
Nabers Group
621 17th St #2100
Denver, CO 80293
Phone: 877-903-2220

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