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Instant Investigative Expertise For Pros And Amateurs Alike – Software From ThoughtOffice Helps Crack Tough Cases

Recent software developments are now helping overworked detectives solve crimes faster than ever. ThoughtOffice, leaders in brainstorming and innovation software, offer an affordable solution used by Private Investigators and Detectives world-wide. The program condenses 18+ years of expertise and makes it available to anyone, any time.

Portland, OR August 29, 2008 — All too frequently, economic downturns put pressure on Law Enforcement agencies both in the form of increased crime and budgetary cutbacks, making it even more difficult to stay ahead of criminals. Taking a cue from industry, more and more private sleuths and police detectives are turning to software to improve their productivity. One increasingly popular investigative tool is eXpertInvestigator, from ThoughtOffice Corporation. Already used by lawyers, criminal investigators, mystery writers, legal instructors and private eyes, this combination of brainstorming software and plugin modules allows investigative professionals to conclude their inquiries quickly and efficiently.

This powerful investigative tool is a plugin developed specifically for ThoughtOffice with the help of noted California Private Investigator, Nicholas Cannon, and his staff. They documented their process, which has been refined over many years of civil & criminal investigation. The result is a powerful web-top software system that guides the user step-by-step through the investigative process.

“I started creating this system when I first began working the beat as an investigator,” explains Mr. Cannon. “Over time it became THE TOOL I used to keep me on track in any given case. I subsequently used it to train my partners and fellow investigators, and it became the formula for our leading Northern California investigative services.”

ThoughtOffice’s eXpertInvestigator software helps the user to focus intently on the facts without bias or prejudice (while retaining a healthy dose of skepticism), guiding the user through a systematic progression of questions. As the user follows the process outlined by the software, many questions will be answered, but some may remain unresolved. Those unanswered questions will test the investigator’s curiosity, tenacity and resolve, leading to the formation of one or more hypotheses for each unknown. The process helps to uncover the answers to issues such as: Who would do “X”? What are their possible motives for doing “X”? How could they do “X”? The software helps users drill-down into each issue, producing clear answers, and finding even the smallest clues, helping to build a solid case. These same features are also used by mystery writers to construct convincing crime novels and screenplays.

The program then helps the user process and compile all the data gathered through surveillance, interviews, and other sources. Mr. Cannon’s comprehensive series of questions and prompts allows users to separate fact from fiction in a systematic search for verifiable evidence. Once users have proven and / or corroborated the clear facts of the case, they can then prepare to form solid conclusions and test their hypotheses.

A successful investigator needs excellent critical thinking skills, must be proficient at inductive and deductive reasoning, competent at analytical assessment, and above all else, able to remain open-minded no matter what twists or turns the investigation might take. eXpertInvestigator promotes the development of all these talents, and trains the user to examine every possibility, at every stage of the investigation. Some of the many queries addressed by the software include:

* Do I have sufficient evidence?
* Is all my evidence relevant?
* On what evidence have I based my conclusion?
* Is my conclusion verifiable?
* Have I considered negative evidence, which might point toward a different conclusion?
* Is this the only possible conclusion that can be drawn?
* Given the same evidence, would others arrive at the same conclusion?

The eXpertInvestigator module contains these and hundreds more probing inquiries, plus expert guidance from Mr. Cannon’s practice, guiding the user to think creatively, and explore every facet of the investigation.

“Over the next few years, we hope to see a whole new breed of private investigators entering the workforce,” Cannon notes. “Boosted by the popularity of television programs such as CSI, Law & Order, and others like them, schools are reporting that this area of study is one of the top 3 career choices for college freshmen. We believe that eXpertInvestigator offers a clear and definitive methodology, that is seasoned in real-world application. And as a result, we hope to see more and more successful PIs, police academy grads, attorneys and other criminal investigators in the future.”

The program is available either as an a la carte plugin module for ThoughtOffice Brainstorming software, or as a preconfigured bundle. The eXpertInvestigator bundle includes ThoughtOffice creativity software – a powerful associative thinking program accessing over 7,691,000 words and 3,000,000+ keyword-tagged images.

The eXpertInvestigator bundle also includes the 2,000 question eXpertExpander module, a powerful plugin that complements and “expands” upon answers developed through the Investigation Module, simultaneously drilling even deeper and opening up even more questions. This combination often reveals weaknesses and amplifies strengths in any decision being considered.

Also included is the eXpertNegotiator module, a plugin designed by expert conflict management consultants, allowing the user to prepare for any important meeting or impending confrontation by walking them through numerous scenarios.

ThoughtOffice Corporation will be offering its eXpertInvestigator suite at a promotional price of $196, discounted from $249, through November 1, 2008. More information about the plugin can be found at

Upgrade discounts are available for legacy IdeaFisher and eXpertSystem users, and for users of other brainstorming and creativity software. Contact the company directly for more details.

About ThoughtOffice
Based in Vancouver WA, ThoughtOffice Corporation develops and markets tools that empower individuals and organizations to improve productivity through creativity and quickly develop effective solutions. Founded in 2006, the company produces brainstorming, writing and creativity software, and provides business & PR services to high-tech startups and fast-growth companies ( The company can be reached at or by calling 360-609-9272.

Mr. Cannon has broad human relations experience, profound knowledge of human behavior, and advanced scientific fact-finding skills. He was recently asked to help plan a new certification exam for future California Licensed Investigators. Nicholas Cannon can be reached via email at Please include the subject line: ATTN: Nicholas Cannon, Private Eye.
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Mark Alan Effinger
815 E 20th Street
Vancouver, WA 98663

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