Internet Marketing in Orange County Improving Your Results


October 13, 2010, Newport Beach, CA—-Attention: The Internet is an always-growing medium that you and your business need to be a part of. Marketing and advertising today is completely different from what it was two years ago. The number of people on the Internet today has more than tripled since a few years ago. Today, everyone from your grandmother to your four-year-old is using the Internet for one aspect of his or her life or another. So why have you not put your business up on the Internet yet? Probably because the Internet is such a vast medium, you don’t know a good strategic way to market yourself online. That is where great Internet marketing companies in Orange County can help.

Want a great Internet marketing company in Orange County but don’t know where to begin? Well byteLaunch, offers great Internet marketing solutions. byteLaunch will help clients find you by utilizing search engine optimization. Not only will byteLaunch help build your search results, they also offer other services that can make your online presence grow. Mike Plata, the marketing manager at byteLaunch said, “We take care of the Internet marketing and search engine optimization for our clients. The Internet is such a vast medium we understand that we don’t need to target the whole, while niche targeting can prove to be more efficient”. Not only will byteLaunch handle your entire Internet marketing needs, they are also available to help with your social media networks.

Social Media is constantly growing. Today, a single user has an average of three social media accounts, which could range from Facebook, to, or LinkedIn. What Internet user doesn’t make their personal presence known? That is why it is important for your company to maintain a strong social media presence, but to utilize these social networks strategically. This strong Internet Marketing company in Orange County is here help create a social media plan that works for you.

Why continue to struggle with Internet Marketing on your own? byteLaunch offers great Internet marketing in Orange County at a reasonable price. Presenting you with great solutions to your entire Internet marketing needs. From building a website, to improving your social media, byteLaunch has the solutions you’ve been looking for. To know more about ByteLaunch via their website for a free quote :

Company Information:

ByteLaunch offers software development in Orange County and pride themselves on an excellent standard of quality and service. They guarantee that all projects will be delivered on time and will never exceed the agreed budget.


Mike Craig
ByteLaunch Internet marketing Orange County or marketing company orange county
Address: Newport Beach, CA 92663, United States
Phone: 1-949-274-9878
Email: [email protected]

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By mikenielson