Introducing Brenda DyGraf s Cardio Twister Stepper Machine


WALLINGFORD, CONNECTICUT, February 14th, 2010–International fitness expert Brenda DyGraf announces the creation of the Cardio Twister, a simple new home gym device that makes working out your cardiovascular system easier and more convenient, as well as more effective, than it’s ever been before. Brenda DyGraf is a world-renowned fitness expert who has used her experiences of starring in over 150 fitness videos and devoting her life to helping millions get fit and stay in shape to design the Cardio Twister.

“A lot of you are like me, we suffer from sore joints. That’s why I developed the Cardio Twister System. Finally, a workout machine that uses a soft cushion of air to dramatically reduce pounding impact to your joints. Plus, its air power technology actually lifts your legs and helps you work out,” says Brenda.

With its simple but state of the art design, the Cardio Twister burns fat, helps firm and sculpt your body, and gets you flatter, tighter abs, all at the same time. The secret lies with the advanced dual-drive gearbox, with its powerful bi-directional stepping that moves you up and down as well as in and out and combines with a breakthrough upper body twisting action that tightens your entire core.

In addition the the Cardio Twister stepper machine, you get two cardio workout CD ROMs that come with it. People who have successfully used Cardio Twister to get the results that they want have usually used these workouts, which have also been designed by Brenda DyGraf.

And there are plenty of success stories being told by those who have been among the first people to use Cardio Twister. One woman who lost about 27 pounds in eight weeks says, “I suffer from chronic lower back pain. I had trouble getting out of bed. The Cardio Twister System has changed my life! It has strengthened my back so much!” A man who lost the same amount of weight in the same amount of time says, “My clothes are falling off of me now! Actually, I think I can fit a small person in the side of my shorts because of how much I’ve lost.” Stories like this are found in great abundance.

For a limited time now, the Cardio Twister is being offered at a special discount price. If you want to take your cardiovascular fitness level, and your body’s sexiness, to a whole new level, visit the website to find out more.

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By twispro10