Introducing A New Information Center from GoHealth Workplace


For A Solution to Rising Group Insurance Costs GoHealth Workplace Launches a New Information Center to Provide Employers Access to a Free Private Exchange
CHICAGO, IL—A brand new information center for all types of organizations has been introduced by GoHealth Workplace, a customized health insurance exchange from This can be very attractive for those who are interested in providing employees and group member’s access to individual health insurance plans.
This new information center explains all the many benefits of GoHealth Workplace and how companies will be able to use GoHealth services. It also includes a list of current Workplace partners and how it works for different organizations. This can be helpful for employers, insurance agents, group benefit providers and membership organizations to find the perfect plan for their client, customer or employee.
Susan Kroc, a Partner Marketing Manager says “Businesses are looking for a way to balance the insurance needs of their individuals with the often unmanageable costs of group coverage. We designed GoHealth Workplace as a free solution for this issue. Our services allow employers to be flexible when it comes to employee benefits and provide employees additional choices allowing them to take control of their health care decisions.”
The companies and membership organizations that choose to partner with GoHealth will receive a branded, private exchange for employees and members. This creates an easier way of making the process of finding health insurance simple. Within this exchange the users on the site are able to make a comparison of health insurance plans in a side by side view from insurers across the nation, and this also provides access to easy support from licensed insurance agents.
The highlights of what GoHealth provides its clients include the following:
• Employees have free and unlimited access to licensed agents and tools for doing comparisons of health insurance quotes and plans;
• Educational resources for employers and employees to have a better understanding of health insurance options;
• Access to a site where the customer can view quotes, compare plans, and apply for coverage to health and dental insurance plans from major insurance carriers from all across the country.
To find out more information about GoHealth Workplace visit
About GoHealthInsurance is the most complete comparison resource online and has helped more than 2 million Americans obtain coverage. Consumers use the platform to research, compare, and purchase coverage from the nation’s top insurance companies using online technology, by phone, and through a nationwide network of trusted advisors.

Ethan Kalvin
[email protected]

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