Brief Introduction To Symptoms and Stages of Hypoglycemia


Hypoglycemia symptoms can range from being mild to severe. The symptoms can take place at different levels and stages, thus making it vital that you evaluate the condition of anyone suffering from hypoglycemia by carrying out additional the necessary evaluations and tests. In any case, knowing this condition could be initiated by simply trying to learn how it occurs and how it is induced.

Hypoglycemia is an illness that is attributable to insufficient blood glucose, and the falling of the sugar levels in the blood produce numerous repercussions on the body and bring about hypoglycemia symptoms. The deficit in blood sugar could show itself in different stages, and such symptoms are the following:

Mild Hypoglycemia

The blood’s average glucose levels ranges at 70-99mg/dL. An individual is thought to be experiencing mild hypoglycemia when his/her glucose levels fall below 70m/dL and its symptoms are as follows:
. Intense hunger
. Coldness or clamminess
. Rapid heartbeat
. Nausea
. Shaking
. Numbness of fingertips or mouth

Moderate Hypoglycemia

When the glucose level in the blood falls to about 55mg/dL, then moderate hypoglycemia develops. Hypoglycemia symptoms on this level will be more evident, since the central nervous system is further tormented by the illness. Listed here are several of the most typical symptoms at this point.
. Being drained sleepy and fatigued
. Weakness
. Confusion and inability to focus
. Moodiness, panic, frustration, or uneasiness
. Blurry vision
. Headache or dizziness
. Stammering or troubles with conversing or walking
. Poor motor control

Severe hypoglycemia

When the blood sugar level falls about 40mg/dL to 35mg/dL, the problem will become a case of severe hypoglycemia, the manifestations of which are as follows.

. Coma or loss of consciousness
. Body temperature below normal (hypothermia)
. Seizures or convulsions

Secondary health problems may develop once hypoglycemia reaches the severe stage that can be fatal without the right attention. In cases where it was not properly taken care of, the person might be more prone to heart or brain damage, especially if he as well has problems with heart disease.

Some Things To Consider

Hypoglycemia symptoms can be a case to case basis, which means that diagnosis could be a vital consideration in determining the most likely treatment solution for the patient. Because the symptoms of hypoglycemia can be much like some other health issues, medical doctors must run comprehensive assessments to obtain an appropriate diagnosis.

Diabetics are more susceptible to being hypoglycemic considering that they are under medication therapy to manage their blood sugar levels. Even though you may possibly not have been presenting hypoglycemia symptoms, it is advisable to consult with a doctor to confirm your condition, particularly when your glucose levels tend to frequently drops from the average to the very low range.

Christina Turner is a fourth year Biology student at the University of Florida. Click on this link to find out more in relation to hypoglycemia symptoms.

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