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Irbtrax Develops Y2K-XV T² to Help Measure Website Target Market Accessibility

Irbtrax, an emerging SEO, I-Market Research, and Internet Marketing firm, announces a newly created customized service- ‘Y2K-XV Technology Testing’. This service is available for immediate implementation. ‘Y2K-XV Technology Testing’, henceforth known as ‘Y2K-XV T²’, was developed in response to the challenging task of determining if a website is efficiently accessible, and optimally viewable, to a company’s online target audience. As such, it attempts to address current obstacles, while considering future trends.

Y2K T² incorporates current best practice techniques as well as applying leading edge applications. Within Y2K-XV T² there are three phases that encompass it’s application. The universal test for website download times. Studying view ability and accessibility of the site’s Core Message. And applying the findings to a company’s online target audience. As a result, Y2K T² integrates important elements in both and marketing and technology.

Y2K-XV T² relied on important feedback and input from businesses and established marketing leaders in their chosen industries. Irbtrax field tested several versions of Y2K-XV T², and used these results to refine it’s application and portability. According to Irbtrax founder Scott Moir- ‘With the growing popularity of I-phones and other small screen technology, many companies feel it’s relevant to make sure these users have efficient access’.

About Irbtrax: Irbtrax is a specialized results oriented Internet Marketing, SEO-O, and I-Market Research company. For more information

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