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Perhaps most importantly, the mother is, in fact, the baby’s sister, Minnie. Minnie Cheap Prom Dresses mother-in-training, her hair is braided in the same coronet as that worn by her mother, she shows the same love and competence, but there are hints that this mother might differ from her own.

We know she wears overalls, and we might conjecture that she has been helping her father in the fields. We also know she drives, for Lee made a photograph of the family in their car on the way to town, in which Minnie wears a jaunty hat, comfortably Short Prom Dresses control of the steering wheel, while her father sits contentedly in the back seat.

Two other photos ask us to reconsider traditional gender roles. In another interior shot Lee’s flash illuminates nine-year-old Bess Harshbarger readying irons Prom Dresses 2012 the stove. She is surrounded by the implements of domesticity — stove, kettles, irons — objects that presumably shape her present and future.

However, the next photo makes us pause because it shows five-year-old Jim Harshbarger wielding the heated iron Baby Doll Prom Dresses. Graphically, this is a gorgeous photograph. The twisted metal of the chair is in sharp focus, the boy’s intent expression seems to suggest that he is unaware of the photographer, although that would have been impossible because of the small size of the house and the fact that Lee needed to use flash for these interior pictures.

The boy’s extreme youth is emphasiz Backless Prom Dresses by the way in which Lee framed the photo, showing the child not much taller than the table behind him, so small he has to reach above his shoulder to press the handkerchiefs he is ironing. What should we make of these photographs?

Should we conclude that children, as soon as they are able to handle tools, had to work? That gender roles were in flux in northeastern Ball Prom Gowns Montana and boys were learning to iron? Perhaps Bess, in her sweet flowered dress with eyelet puffed sleeves and her hair braided off her face, relishes having a pretty dress to iron.

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