Adventurer and technologist Jens Oliver Meiert is happy to announce the release of his sixth book, and second book about adventure, “Journey of J.” (
Per the official description, “‘Journey of J.’ is a unique blend of photo journal and introspective diary, an unusual testament to 557 days of travel around the world. In this report, Jens Oliver Meiert shares 1,017 photographic impressions, and juxtaposes 291 personal observations. From simplified to deep, the result is a particular perspective at what happened in the traveler’s and adventurer’s life and in the 48 countries visited from 2013 to 2015.”
Just about a month ago Meiert published an anthology of his tech writing, “On Web Development” ( which documents parts of his Google, W3C, and O’Reilly past.
For more information on Jens Oliver Meiert, see