Jetstream Air Showers – The Newest Key Line of Esco Cleanroom Products


Singapore December 2010 –Esco, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of cleanroom equipment, announces the Phase 1 release of the Jetstream Air Shower (JAS) line of cleanroom products. The JAS is intended to replace Esco’s current Cleanroom Air Shower (EAS) product offering and will be implemented in two phases.

The Jetstream Air Shower incorporates some updates, as well as, several new features. JAS is designed with more nozzles and will operate at a higher air shower jet velocity to further ensure efficient scrubbing action for the removal of particulate matter.

Moreover, the new vertical airflow system of the JAS will purge the chamber of any remaining particulates between shower cycles and the upgrade to ULPA filter use guarantees a superior level of cleanliness. Additionally, the new Jetstream Air Shower will utilize the Sentinel™ Gold advanced programmable microprocessor control system with four line LCD display which can provide the user with a wealth of information.

According to XQ Lin, Vice President of Esco Micro, “The JAS is the next natural update to EAS. Not only does it provide better performance than the EAS, it can give better information of the cleaning process too,” he emphasized.


XQ Lin
Vice President, Esco Micro Pte Ltd
+65 65420833

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Esco has emerged as a leader in the development of controlled environment, laboratory and cleanroom equipment solutions. Visit for more info.

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