Knowing Your Pet’s Disease


By Bill Greenbaum

1. My Pet is overweight
• If you put your thumbs on the back bone and run your fingers over the ribs and cannot feel them.
• A *waist* should be visible – where the abdomen goes up behind the rib-cage when viewed from the side.
• When viewed from above the shape should be hourglass, with an obvious shape to them.

2. My Pet has diabetes
• Drinking excessive amounts of water, and an increase in what is normal for that animal.
• Excessive or ravenous appetite, with no obvious weight gain.
• Weight loss and possible vomiting, and lethargy.

3. My Pet has cancer
• Obvious signs of a tumor, such as a lump or mass, or distended abdomen.
• Weight loss, and generalized loss of condition, such as hair coat and a dry nose.
• Loss of appetite, unexplained lethargy or lack of energy, other unusual symptoms specific to the type of tumor.

4. My pet has worms
• Diarrhea, which can be sudden or chronic in onset, with possible blood in the stool
• Weight loss and generalized loss of condition, such as poor hair coat, and low energy.
• Obvious signs of worms like tapeworm segments (look like rice grains) or worms in stool (roundworms look like spaghetti).

5. My pet has allergies
• Generalized itching, redness and hair loss in the case of skin allergies. Licking and scratching.
• Sneezing or runny eyes in the case of respiratory allergies, or difficulty breathing, often wheezing, in asthma.
• Diarrhea and vomiting, and not wanting to eat in the case of intestinal allergies.

6. My pet has an ear infection
• Scratching the ear and rubbing the ear on things.
• Discharge from the ear, which can be black, or yellow or green.
• Nasty smell or odor from the ear and redness when looking carefully inside the ear.

7. My pet has separation anxiety
• Whining and crying when they are left alone.
• Damaging things in the house, like scratching the door, or chewing things.
• Anxious when they are left, panting and pacing around. It may be a good idea to pretend to leave to observe these behaviors.

8. My pet has arthritis
• Stiffness and not wanting to move in the mornings or after rest.
• Unwilling to play or run, or go for walks as much as before, it can often improve with exercise however.
• Whining and panting when lying down, especially after a long walk or increased exercise, this indicates there is some pain present.

9. My pet has bad eyesight
• Obvious signs, like bumping into things in the house or in strange places. Also the eyes may appear cloudy or look different.
• Hesitancy in going up or down steps or stairs, as depth perception maybe affected.
• Withdrawn behavior, not wanting to interact or being as friendly as normal, changes in normal routines and moods.

10. My pet has an infection somewhere
• Loss of appetite and low or no energy, not wanting to play or go for walks.
• May seem warm, or have an increased temperature, so the head may seem warm, there may be panting, and the nose may be dry.
• Obvious symptoms relayed to where the infection is such as red ears or eyes, diarrhea, vomiting or heavy breathing, sneezing or coughing.

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