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Largest Ad Space on a Factory Rooftop in Malaysia

Marketing and branding has reached a new level with marketers constantly coming up with fresh methods to gain exposure. The latest advertising medium is the roof tops of large factories.

Advertising on rooftops is a revolutionary marketing idea that provides a unique venue for branding purposes. Now, outdoor advertisers have the opportunity for their ad to be seen from the sky and from satellite images such as those provided by Google Earth. Roof top advertising is an untapped market in this part of the world.

Foreseeing the amount of exposure this exciting new concept could generate, a factory owner in Northern Malaysia is offering its 36,000 square foot roof top space on, opening up this distinctive advertising opportunity to the world.

The potential advertisement will be seen from airplanes and satellite imagery. Getting the space listed on Kumomo is free and any advertiser who may be interested in booking this space for a 12 month period may log onto Upon confirmation, the planning and installation work will be carried out by RoofAds, an American company with over 25 years of experience in rooftop coatings.

It is believed that this project could kick start a new trend in the coming years, as advertisers look to create new hype in the industry. In addition, it is always exciting to go where no ad as gone before.

To top it off, a percentage of the revenue brought in by the ad will go to a charity organization that, at the moment, helps to build schools in rural Cambodia.

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