Leading online people search provider opens up names database


Tracesmart have announced that they are once again enhancing their people search facilities and customer experience by opening up their names database. The unprecedented move will see over 10 trillion name variations being made available to users; this will greatly assist individuals who are trying to find relatives or friends but have minimal related information to hand.

As market leading suppliers of online electoral roll search facility services, Tracesmart understand the requirements of its customers and visitors to their site. In many cases, users trying to trace individuals will have a limited amount information relating to the trace subject and/or incorrect details. By opening up their name database to the general public, Tracesmart are able to provide a multitude of possible variations of the information provided such as different spellings and similar names – through this service users will be able to search people even if they do not have the exact information, and save time in the process.

"Following several discussions surrounding the customer journey, we made the bold decision to open up our names database with a view to optimising our customers tracing activity. Our in-house programmers and web developers have been working diligently to make this project work, testing the system rigorously and envisage it will be live in the near future" Paul Weathersby, Technical Director explains.

In many cases people who are searching for a missing person will simply key the subjects name into a search engine in the hope of finding a little bit of information about them and their whereabouts. Opening up the names database will help these users who are not even on the Tracesmart site as there is a strong possibility that the page relating to the name the individual is searching for will appear in search results; this in turn could lead them to the Tracesmart site and bring them one step closer to locating the person.

Tracesmart's managing director, Mike Trezise, is always seeking new ways to help his customers optimise their tracing "It has become evident to us that whilst some users are successfully completing traces with one people search, others have to use many credits to find the result they need. Offering up supporting information at no extra charge - with a view to helping customers locate individuals quicker - demonstrates our commitment to providing the best value for money people tracing tool available."

  • Tracesmart Limited - Since the launch of its website in 2004 Tracesmart Limited has established itself as one of the UK's leading providers of online people tracing tools. www.tracesmart.co.uk combines state of the art search technology with an extensive collection of consumer data, providing one of the most powerful and successful systems to trace people.
  • Paul Weathersby – Tracesmart's Technical Director, Weathersby is the driving force behind the development and production of Tracesmart's suite of web-based services, and manages and directs their experienced IT team.
  • Michael Trezise - is the founder and Managing Director of Tracesmart. With over 25 years tracing and fraud analysis experience his unrivalled knowledge provides the company with a distinct competitive advantage.
    Contact: Owen Roberts – Communications Manager

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By tracesmart.co.uk