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Leading SQL Server Developer SQLXL.COM Unveils 3 Kick-ass Database Tips For Businesses

Ottawa, Ontario

Top SQL server consultant SQLXL.COM announces 3 kick-ass database design tips for businesses that enable businesses design databases that do the work and go the distance every time. The strategies include thinking “lean and efficient”, using relational database design and building custom solutions that are finely tuned (SQL tuning) to a business’ exact database needs and requirements.

#1 Think “lean and efficient” – when it comes to databases, leaner is better. The less bloatware there is, the more optimized and efficient a database solution will be. This usually means faster I/O times and more accurate data handling.

#2 Use relational design – the benefits of relational database design are obvious; simple, interconnected data structures that reduce task times, reduce coding requirements (and cost), and make expansion easier.

#3 Build custom solutions – custom solutions are built from the ground-up with a specific business’ data requirements in mind. This means the most optimized data design and naturally pre-tuned solutions. Generic 3rd party solutions may not offer the same level of performance and efficiency.

“Building lean and efficient databases speeds up performance and improves accuracy, while relational design makes data structures and expansion simpler and more cost effective. Then there’s the fact that custom solutions are already pre-tuned to the business’ exact needs so that tasks are accelerated,” said a company spokesperson.

Please contact SQLXL.COM for a free consultation. Call 1 613 822 1997 or send an email to to get started.


SQLXL is a division of DTH Software Inc. SQLXL has been actively working with Microsoft® SQL Server since 1998, and is a SQL server consultant specializing in the design and build of database-centric applications for businesses in the private and public sector as well as the tuning of existing SQL databases to improve scalability and performance.

As a Certified Master on Experts Exchange, SQLXL is a regular contributor to the MSSQL zone of EXPERTS-EXCHANGE.COM.

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