Leading UK telemarketing and email marketing services from touchbusiness


In this digital age, never has the whole concept of marketing been more integral to successful business – and that’s why touchbusiness continue to blossom on behalf of hundreds of clients through a fully integrated sales and marketing communications strategy.

touchbusiness offer marketing services for one-off jobs or can act as your complete outsourced marketing department. We deliver targeted marketing communications campaigns from strategic planning to implementation and ongoing support and analysis.

Our services cover a vast spectrum, including Design and Print, Telemarketing UK, Email Marketing, Strategic Planning, Data, Online Marketing, Website Design and Management, Direct Mail and PR & Media Relations.

We offer a full corporate ID package whether you are re-branding your product or working out a new strategy to re-integrate new marketing literature with your existing brand. We also design company letter heads, business cards, compliment slips, brochures, flyers, exhibition stands and produce presentations.

A key service that touchbusiness offer is targeted outbound telemarketing. Numerous clients benefit from our UK call centre which provides business to business (B2B) telemarketing, market research, appointment setting, lead generation and sales. We have a proven track record as a telemarketing agency and ensure clients receive the best services possible.

Email marketing is another service we expertly deliver and like all of our services, everything is geared towards making things easier for you. Our online DIY email marketing tool allows you to log onto your own secure area where you can compose and design your own emails using the templates available, allowing you to distribute your online campaign to thousands of viewers in minutes. It’s all straightforward and post-campaign analystics will guide you on your successes and how to improve your next campaign.

touchbusiness have access to over 51 million business to business (B2B) records and we only target the right customers using sophisticated segmentation methods. There are no minimum quantities while purchasing data from touchbusiness and we also offer free list counts.

This merely scratches the surface in terms of what we offer and what we’re about. At www.touchbusiness.co.uk you can view numerous case studies of how we’ve taken businesses to the next level.

Contact touchbusiness today for information on how to improve your business marketing whether you require telemarketing services or anything else – we won’t bamboozle you with jargon or pretentious marketing talk. We are easy to work with, friendly, dedicated marketing professionals.

Contact Details

touchbusiness Ltd.
Blackthorn House
Appley Bridge
Lancashire WN6 9DB
Phone: 0845 094 5753
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.touchbusiness.co.uk

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By touchb197